New York’s Gun Grab Paying Benefits Already

Cuomo and Bloomberg have been busy destroying the second amendment rights of law abiding rifle owners upstate and beyond, while gangs with illegal handguns are taking over the city.

Violence surged like the mercury Sunday, with three more fatalities from gun violence — and eight others wounded in shootings — bringing the total number of bullet-riddled in the city to 25 in less than 48 hours.  Only Staten Island was safe from the wide-ranging spray of gunfire and sickening weekend bloodshed. At least 12 people were blasted in Brooklyn, eight in the Bronx and another four in Queens. The sole person shot in Manhattan took several slugs to the chest and perished in broad daylight.

Mayhem in the city: 25 people shot in 48 hours  – NY Daily News

Bloomberg loves to brag about how safe New York is.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to New York’s Gun Grab Paying Benefits Already

  1. Pathway says:

    NY was safe when Rudy ran the joint.

  2. gator69 says:

    Number of shootings last year, in the county where I live = zero. Number of shootings so far this year = zero. In the 11+ years since I built my home, there has been only one gun related homicide that I can even recall, a mentally ill son who killed his elderly father.

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