No Holds Barred BS From NOAA And Jeff Masters

May 2013 was the globe’s 3rd warmest May since records began in 1880, according to NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center (NCDC).

NOAA says that May was in the top 2%!

Global satellite-measured temperatures in May 2013 for the lowest 8 km of the atmosphere were 12th or 11th warmest in the 35-year record

Satellites say that May barely cracked the top 30%.

Then after claiming that May was super hot, Masters goes on to blame extreme May weather on intrusions of cold from the Arctic, which he blamed on Arctic warmth.

Unusually low May snow cover allows the Arctic to heat up much more rapidly than usual, decreasing the temperature difference between the Equator and the Arctic, potentially leading to extreme jet stream configurations, according to research by Dr. Jennifer Francis of Rutgers. An extreme jet stream configuration was responsible for the record $22 billion floods in Central Europe in late May and early June, and it is possible that the unusually low May Northern Hemisphere snow cover contributed to the unusual jet stream behavior.

Makes sense if you have the IQ of a turnip.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to No Holds Barred BS From NOAA And Jeff Masters

  1. jeffk says:

    Steve did you see ABC evening news tonight? They had a report about Colorado fires again. Blamed both new houses in the woods, and “climate change”– said every month has been warmer for the last “28 years”.
    Where do they get that from? Is it only in Colorado?
    Of course we know arson was the cause but what about the rest?

    • Marian says:

      ABC News would probably blame a burst beaver dam on global warming. Just like that classic South Park episode. 🙂

  2. Brian G Valentine says:

    If the temperature difference between the Pole and Equator decreases, so does the pressure difference, thus so wind decreases

    I can’t f#cking take it any more. I just can’t. Thus I get real nasty with people like T.O.O and take out my frustration on them

    • T.O.O. says:

      Have you ever opened the door to a warm auditorium on a cold winter night? The pressure differential will blow your hat off. Open the door on a warm summer day and you won’t feel a breeze. If the differential between the tropics and the poles decreases so does the strength of the jet stream which results in it forming a more meandering and loopier path. Therefore, whatever weather happens to be on either side of the jet stream at that moment is trapped there for a longer time. More flooding here, more droughts there, more cold in one place and more heat in another.

      I find it curious that Goddard would ridicule Dr. Jennifer Francis of Rutgers because the Rutgers ice lab there is the only source he trusts for information.

      • rw says:

        Unfortunately for your arguments, the climatologists of the past all agree with Brian. What climatologists are saying now is the direct opposite of what climatologists said in the late 70’s. (And I think they knew about the jet stream even back then.)

        Incidentally, I’m not sure your 4th sentence actually follows from your 3rd, or for that matter your 5th from your 4th. In fact, with all that meandering (floods here, droughts there), your argument is almost invulnerable to clear refutation. (With enough meanderings maybe you’ll even be able to explain why the current DMI temperatures are below normal.)

  3. WPBHurricane05 says:

    I’m still waiting for Masters to come clean on his Alaska record high BS.

  4. Andy Oz says:

    I heard it on the grapevine that Turnips no longer support the insane theories of the Masters et al. The world moron association (WMA) also disavows Masters’ off the planet theories. They say his ideas are just plain crazy.

  5. gator69 says:

    Masters probably thinks his dog is wagged by its tail.

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