Obama About To Humiliate Himself On The Domestic Stage

Just as the rest of the world (including Huffington Post) figures out that global warming is a scam, Obama decides to use it as an excuse to further wreck the US economy.

ScreenHunter_259 Jun. 23 09.06

global warming

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Obama About To Humiliate Himself On The Domestic Stage

  1. David says:

    Explain again why we have wasted trillions supposedly to rebuild the economy just so we can destroy it with Obamacare and now a carbon tax.

    • Ivan says:

      The wasted trillions wasn’t to “rebuild the economy” – it was to maintain the habit of the Wall Street bankers. Didn’t you get the memo?

  2. Jorge says:

    Are the Republicans going to let him get away with this? Will there be a major fight to stop this? It’s amazing how Obama The Great will make an EXTREME change to the economy and he won’t even ask for Congressional support. He won’t even open it up to a debate and let the American people in. Not even a DEBATE! He makes the speech on Tuesday, which will cost taxpayers more than ONE TRILLION DOLLARS in the next decade, and then flies out on a $100 million vacation being paid for by the tax payer the next day. Am I missing anything? Has Obama lost his mind? Does anyone think the people will go for this? I hope the Republicans decide to go after Obama and the Democrats hard here, this will be their undoing.

    • tckev says:

      And he’ll have the EPA do what it’s best at going – trampling on other peoples rights.
      Keep an ear out for those words “…and I will task the EPA…”

  3. Jorge says:

    My prediction is that this will destroy Obama, the Democratic Party and the entire global warming movement.

  4. Ivan says:

    Will Obama be wearing the leopard-skin cloak and the head-dress when he makes his pronouncements on Tuesday?

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