Obama Following The UK Green Power Generation Model

Obama has witnessed the success of green power in Europe (22% unemployment in Spain, 160% electrical costs in Germany, power outages in the UK) and is planning to bring that to the US.

ScreenHunter_373 Jun. 27 06.46


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Obama Following The UK Green Power Generation Model

  1. David says:

    Actually Steve Spain is even more successful than you think their unemployment is 26.2 percent.

  2. tckev says:

    Actually Steve Spain is so good they couldn’t get a $multi-billion solar project to be a success. Not that stop them propagandizing for 10 years that it was successful when in truth it wasn’t. Not without a massive subsidy. But now reality hits, and the cherry on the top – Spain is now running back to gas and (US) coal to make up for the short-fall.
    All because as soon as the EU subsidy was reduced the whole big solar went bankrupt and a lot of the windmills are heading the same way.


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