Obama has made an average of two drone strikes per week since he won the Nobel Peace Prize. Two weeks ago he announced that he was going to cut back on his addiction to killing people from 6,000 miles away, but apparently his therapy isn’t going very well.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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A good point, that title. But it occurs to me, perhaps it should rather be applied to whomever Obama is listening to and getting his cues from concerning the drone attacks. I don’t believe he has any character, surely not enough keep up such destructive attacks on his own hook. In other words, he NEEDS the equivalent of a constant, confirming teleprompter.
That new PM should be careful or he might find he is the target of a drone. They were observing and thought they were taking a picture when they accidentally pushed the fire button instead of the shutter button! Those buttons get so confusing! 😉
If he’d be serious about it, he’d have some of them shot down while in Pakistani airspace. But words are cheap and cuts to the war on terror slush fund the Pakistani elite is drinking deeply from are painful.
I just noticed that if Al Gore stopped being pissed about the 2000 election and got on Weight Watchers he’d look just like Nawaz Sharif.
Obama needs to join Assassins Anonymous