Obama The Coal Cheerleader

Last summer, Obama knew that even the 1.5 million dead voters registered in Ohio might not be enough to win him the election. So he pretended for a few weeks that he was a big supporter of coal.

Everyone knows election season is a time of craven politicking. But a new radio ad the Obama campaign is running in Ohio might be a new low, dinging Mitt Romney for remarking that coal “kills people.”

Here’s a clip of the ad, which is running in Ohio, via Politico:

“When he ran for President, Barack Obama pledged to support clean coal and invest in new technologies,” the ad says.

Obama Knocks Romney for Saying True Things About Coal | Mother Jones

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Obama The Coal Cheerleader

  1. Bruce says:

    Someone I know used to work in a clean coal pilot plant. The stories were fun, and interesting. The clean coal pilot plant ran out of dosh and closed. He now works in a mine (not coal) where things are real and real performance is valued. He is not paid by government money anymore. He is certainly happier as of last time I talked with him a few weeks ago. Doing honest work helps the conscience.

  2. tckev says:

    “When he ran for President, Barack Obama pledged to support clean coal and invest in new technologies,”

    Of course he may be ensuring that he has properly influenced it like these –

    If Obama backs a solar energy company it is almost certain that a shutdown is in the offing. To date, approximately 34 Obama-backed green energy companies have gone bankrupt, the most well-known being Solyndra. With the help of a highly Obama-touted half-billion dollar federal loan guarantee, Solyndra expanded their solar panel operations and created 158 jobs. Then, 15 months later the company filed Chapter 11 and laid off 1,100 employees.

    The Obama curse is not limited to his pet green energy companies. In 2009 the President visited Cardinal Fasteners in Bedford Heights, Ohio, and by 2011 the bolt-maker was in Chapter 11 and was forced to suspend operations.

    To promote his economic stimulus plan the president toured Allentown Metal Works, a 100-year-old Pennsylvania metal fabrication company that specialized in making heavy-duty steel components for bridges and power plants as well as for the cement and mining industries. The Lehigh Valley manufacturer didn’t get a 15-month or two-year reprieve; by 2010 the plant’s gate was padlocked.

    2009, as part of his pro-stimulus bill marathon Barack bulldozed his way into the heavy machinery manufacturer Caterpillar in Peoria, Illinois. After the President’s visit Caterpillar notified an additional 2,454 workers that they were “losing their jobs as the company continues to try to bring production in line with plummeting demand…The bulk of the job cuts – nearly 1,600 in all – were in Illinois at the company’s plants in East Peoria.”

    The resturant trade or Obama ate here before it closed –

    While on the road campaigning in Ohio, while passing through Akron, Obama stopped for breakfast. The president ate two eggs over easy, bacon and wheat toast, hugged the owner Josephine “Anne” Harris, took a couple of courtesy photos, and left. Two hours later, the 70-year-old owner of Ann’s Place succumbed to natural causes and went home to be with the Lord.

    While down by the Gulf of Mexico eating snow cones and inspecting tar balls after the BP spill, Obama graced Camardelle’s Seafood with his esteemed presence. At the time, Barack was on a mission to save the Gulf restaurant industry by proving the seafood was safe to eat. He proved it by scarfing down enough shrimp and crawfish at Camardelle’s to choke a Louisiana catfish. The following month the Grand Isle restaurant was forced to put up a “Closed” sign.

    Then there was the New Chef’s Restaurant in Toledo, Ohio. Obama cited the 70-year-old establishment as an “indirect beneficiary of the government’s Chrysler bailout.” A week after being mentioned in that speech, Chef’s Restaurant, after feeding the local community for almost three-quarters of a century, boarded up the windows, locked the front door, and walked away.

    Now we come to find out that the owners of Washington DC’s Ray’s Hell Burger, Nice and Greasy Steak and Cheesy, and Ray’s Hell Burger Too are also closing up shop after failing to pay the rent. Ray’s is where number one soul man, ultimate Big Poppa Barack Obama and his zany sidekick Phat Joe Biden used to dine together on occasion. When Barry was looking for a very special place to take Russian dignitary President Dmitry Medvedev, Ray’s Hell Burger was the place to go. Obama ate juicy burgers at Ray’s and now the celebrated landmark has been served an eviction notice for being $39,000 in arrears for rent and damages.

    Tragedies like this illustrate that while “George Washington slept here” is a sure-fire way to make money, “Barack Obama dripped grease and mustard on this wooden top table” just isn’t enough history to keep the doors open or the rent paid.

    And I am indebted to http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2013/02/the_obama_bankruptcy_curse_strikes_again.html for the information

  3. Andy Oz says:

    John Cook is being a chicken little again.
    “4 Hiroshima Bombs a second”!!!
    What a tosser! And the “97% of scientists” gets another run.
    It would be best if he reduced his own carbon footprint to zero without using taxpayers money to do so. University of Queensland funding should be cut as should all funding for Global Warming research at UQ after September 16.


  4. nigelf says:

    The saying goes, “watch what they do, not what they say”. This applies in spades to Obama yet his supporters can easily block that out and give this man four more years to impoverish the once mighty US of A. There sure are a lot of mentally retarded people in America.

  5. gator69 says:

    Whores only see the color of the money.

  6. 4TimesAYear says:

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