Panic In The Ranks

The team is in a panic over Arctic ice, and seem to believe that blowing a lot of hot air will make the ice melt.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Panic In The Ranks

  1. Anything is possible says:

    20th century Arctic sea ice melt (and Antarctic non-melt) – the influence of orbital variations :

    Summary: The increase in mean global temperature over the past 150 years is generally
    ascribed to human activities, in particular the rises in the atmospheric mixing ratios of carbon
    dioxide and other greenhouse gases since the Industrial Revolution began. Whilst it is thought
    that ice ages and interglacial periods are mainly initiated by multi-millennial variations in
    Earth’s heliocentric orbit and obliquity, shorter-term orbital variations and consequent
    observable climatic effects over decadal/centurial timescales have not been considered
    significant causes of contemporary climate change compared to anthropogenic influences. Here
    it is shown that the precession of perihelion occurring over a century substantially affects the
    intra-annual variation of solar radiation influx at different locations, especially higher latitudes,
    with northern and southern hemispheres being subject to contrasting insolation changes. This
    north/south asymmetry has grown since perihelion was aligned with the winter solstice seven to
    eight centuries ago, and must cause enhanced year-on-year springtime melting of Arctic (but not
    Antarctic) ice and therefore feedback warming because increasing amounts of land and open sea
    are denuded of high-albedo ice and snow across boreal summer and into autumn. The
    accelerating sequence of insolation change now occurring as perihelion moves further into boreal
    winter has not occurred previously during the Holocene and so would not have been observed
    before by past or present civilisations. Reasons are given for the significance of this process
    having been overlooked until now. This mechanism represents a supplementary – natural –
    contribution to climate change in the present epoch and may even be the dominant fundamental
    cause of global warming, although anthropogenic effects surely play a role too.

  2. John B., M.D. says:

    Cryosphere Today shows Arctic Ice anomaly becoming more negative, but Antarctic Ice doing the reverse:

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