Paying The True Cost Of CO2 Emissions

Climate experts say that CO2 is the cause of all weather events.

Tornadoes have been at a record low for the last two years, and US hurricanes are close to a record low. This has greatly reduced disaster costs.

Given the huge savings in disaster costs due to CO2 generation, it is only fair that the government pays dividends to all CO2 polluters.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Paying The True Cost Of CO2 Emissions

  1. Olaf Koenders says:

    What a job – being paid to breathe.. similar to a politician without the destruction.

  2. Sundance says:

    I thought it set a nice tone for the president to announce that he would make energy costs skyrocket and then jump aboard AFO for a $100 million vacation that will emit 830 short tons of CO2. Of course if you add ground transportation and other activities the amount of emissions is higher. It would take me 150 years to emit as much CO2 as was emitted by the jet emissions from Obama’s vacation to Africa. We still can’t afford to open “The People’s House” to the people though.

  3. YES! Great theme. There seems to be numerous benefits, and the risks never seem to materialize. So, a post with a monthly invoice for the rest of the world for the benefits.

    Itemized avoided disasters, improved farm productivity, new terrain / landscaping at the Greenland Country Club, reduced cooling costs in the cool areas etc. Invoice payable to “Facts Only Enterprises” or something else good, like John Q Public, or something despicable like “Denial Inc” using the picture from the recent “Mad Men of Climate Change” cartoon.

    Invoice the rest of the world for the same stuff Obama wants to tax us for.

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