Perfect Farming Conditions In Greenland

ScreenHunter_234 Jun. 22 07.33

With temperatures just above the freezing mark at mid-summer, the corn crop is really taking off.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Perfect Farming Conditions In Greenland

  1. tckev says:

    Snow peas are in and doing fine.

  2. Perry says:

    Coincidentally, I finished reading “The Greenlanders” by Jane Smiley this morning. It’s a disturbing book, that was published in 1988 and it’s set in the period from 1347 AD to circa 1420 AD.
    The author catalogues the worsening climate within the narrative and examines the lives of Greenlanders and the visiting Icelanders and Norwegians who dwelled there during that time.

    Copies of the book are available from Amazon and I can thoroughly recommend it, although once started, it’s rather hard to put down.



  3. Andy DC says:

    Does not look like 97% of the icecap is going to melt this summer!

  4. I’m sure the popsicle farms are doing great!

  5. Billy Liar says:

    That 15C is Kangerlussuaq where the thermometer is probably located at the airport surrounded by a few square miles of tarmac.

  6. Perry says:

    Billy Liar says:
    June 22, 2013 at 10:41 pm

    Look east across the fjord from Brattahlíð and there is another airport. Google map:
    loc: 61.152222,-45.515 It’s called Narsarsuaq.

  7. Anthony S says:

    …The corn snow crop that is.

    Coarse, granular wet snow. Most commonly used by skiers describing good spring snow. Corn is the result of cycles of melting during the day and refreezing at night.

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