Permanent Drought Overwhelms New Mexico

Los Alamos,  June 14, 2013

ScreenHunter_01 Jun. 16 22.16

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Permanent Drought Overwhelms New Mexico

  1. Marian says:

    It looks like our own AGW/CC believing NIWA might have to revise this Winter 2013 Climate Outlook.

    Parts of the South Island have had a good dump of rain. Appparently some areas have had the worst flooding for 20+ years. According to NIWA parts of the south Island is in for normal or below normal rain.

    “Winter rainfall is likely to be in the normal or above normal ranges in the north and east of the North Island, and in the near normal range for the remainder of the country. Soil moisture levels and river flows are likely to be above normal in the north of the North Island, normal or above normal in the east of the South Island, normal or below normal in the west and south of the South Island, and near normal in other regions.”

    Flooding closes roads, schools

    Roads closed across the region

    Rivers run high after wet weekend

  2. gator69 says:

    I bet his hummingbirds were as confused as mine this year.

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