Prosecutor Says It Is Not Dangerous To Have Your Faced Pounded In Or Your Head Bashed Against Asphalt

It appeared through their line of questioning that prosecutors wanted to prove that Zimmerman’s injuries were neither life-threatening nor cause enough for him to fire his gun

Witness describes Zimmerman’s injuries, phone call to wife | Fox News

To make his point clearer he could have volunteered to have some MMA students pound his head in lying down in the parking lot.

Police can shoot you 23 times for holding a flashlight, but having your head pounded in is not grounds for self defense.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Prosecutor Says It Is Not Dangerous To Have Your Faced Pounded In Or Your Head Bashed Against Asphalt

  1. tckev says:

    Of course while you are on the ground having your head pounded by a larger and fit young man, your rational thoughts are to debate whether or not the person pounding you is threatening your life or not.

    • Exactly, but let’s face reality. These prosecutors aren’t concerned with what a rational response would be to such an attack; they just don’t believe Zimmerman’s account that he was jumped, and so they are demagoguing in order to reinforce their idea that that story is bunk.

      The state’s entire case rests on the insane notion that the defendant set out to kill a Black man because he thought he could away with it and that it was a moral imperative. A special prosecutor was brought in because it became apparent that most of the Black community had already tried and convicted Zimmerman in their minds and that there would be war if he weren’t prosecuted.

      It seems that the primary reason that most convicted him in their minds without looking much into the case is because the parents appeared early and said they didn’t believe Zimmerman. That fact alone seems to have sufficient for many.

      I’m glad that the official justice system doesn’t work that way, letting the parents of the victim try the defendant (in their minds, no less), deliberate, and hand down a verdict that is held to be the final word in the matter.

      Oh, wait ….


    • gator69 says:

      Agreed TC! That was my first thought. This was not a playground scuffle, but two grown men fighting fiercely. How could Zimmerman have had any idea where the violence would stop? He did not know Trayvon from Adam, and for all he knew this hoodied lunatic who jumped him could have been a killer. That prosecutor NEEDS HIS head pounded in.

  2. Olaf Koenders says:

    The only logical conclusion is that if it were the cop getting his head pounded in, he’d be covered in heroic medals for turning his assailant into Swiss cheeze.

    Then again, violence isn’t even necessary. Just point your finger like a gun at him and see what happens..

  3. bkivey says:

    Zimmerman is clearly an advocate of the 12/6 philosophy.

  4. …How the Insane Left prosecutes a case.

  5. Traitor In Chief says:

    Zimmerman explained that Trayvon saw the gun, and said he was going to kill Zimmerman with it. They both grabbed for it, and Zimmerman got the shot off. Seems like the trajectory of the bullet thru his clothes and body should make clear the position from which Zimmerman fired. A lot of people want this to be a racial execution story even as the evidence points another way. Kinda like AGW.

    I think Trayvon shot himself. Otherwise he woulda had to go home to this:

  6. Curt says:

    Does anyone else here think that the prosecution is just going through the motions here?

    “Look, we were forced by insane political pressure to put on a case, so here’s the stupid f***ing case you wanted!” (Sort of like when you force a petulant teenager to do something he doesn’t want to.)

    • Richard T. Fowler says:

      Curt, I think the prosecution is trying to frame Zimmerman, not necessarily because they agree with the reason for going after him, but because they are anxious to avoid civil unrest over the case. So while they may actually know the case is stupid, they may also be consciously trying to spin that stupid case into a conviction.


      • Richard T. Fowler says:

        I may also add that I do not think that this is what Rick Scott had in mind when he chose a special prosecutor to take over — but it’s out of his hands now, unless he can prove conspiracy.

  7. Pathway says:

    They have to continue with the America is racist theme so the parasites can continue to live off of the producers.

  8. phodges says:

    Well I learned in my ccw class that once someone is on the ground, it is considered life threatening and a felony when they are being beaten…and therefore it would be completely legal to use deadly force in order to stop the attack. And that’s in commiefornia.

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