I believe his administration did get a warrant; but people read into his statements that he would not authorize these massive data witch hunts. They were so wrong.
It is surprising what you can do when you Photoshop your documents. It really doesn’t take all that long. Since we have a president with faked/secret qualifications, what is so wrong with fake/secret documents? After all, the same people who voted for him are now being treated as enemies of the state. Isn’t that simple ironic justice? We won’t discuss how much the state is becoming an enemy of the people and how much worse that is than not catching a few terrorists.
If we were left free to defend ourselves and understood that we individually have that responsibility, the terrorists wouldn’t have a chance. As it is, we must not mention their connection to violent Islam, read them their Miranda Rights, give them free counsel, treat them innocent until proven guilty, and, if convicted, put them up in a luxury hotel for the rest of their lives at our expense. This even though they were caught red handed and confessed to both their motivation and acts. Where is the justice in this?
The warrants he did get were rubber stamped by the FISA court. Over 1000 approved, none rejected, only one withdrawn by the govt.
Eric Withholder judge-shopped until he could find a judge to sign-off on the James Rosen warrant. In my field, this is like drug-seekers doctor-shopping until find one who will rx narcotics and other controlled substances (and either the doctor is naive/fooled or is complicit and does this in return for money/sex/drugs/etc.).
The data collected may only legally be accessed with a warrant, but who thinks that data is secured and won’t be intentionally leaked or hacked? Look what happened to IRS data leaked to enemies. The ICD and CPT codes in your medical record describing the diseases you have or procedures/surgeries undergone will not be secure from misuse.
I was just presenting what I heard in the press. Officially, there was a warrant(s) so Obama has a rationale. (“I said warantless”) But he is a grifter and bs artist of the worst kind. I cannot believe Leftists have not been able to see through him – even people on the right were fooled by this well spoken Svengali.
The front-running Democrat in the New Hampshire primary makes the promise in one last stump speech at an election day rally with the Facebook generation.
For one thing, under an Obama presidency, Americans will be able to leave behind the era of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and “wiretaps without warrants,” he said. (He was referring to the lingering legal fallout over reports that the National Security Agency scooped up Americans’ phone and Internet activities without court orders, ostensibly to monitor terrorist plots, in the years after the September 11 attacks.)
It’s hardly a new stance for Obama, who has made similar statements in previous campaign speeches, but mention of the issue in a stump speech, alongside more frequently discussed topics like Iraq and education, may give some clue to his priorities.
I suggest we flood the leftist forums with these clips and that screencap, shove it right down their throats!
I believe his administration did get a warrant; but people read into his statements that he would not authorize these massive data witch hunts. They were so wrong.
He got a warrant for everybody in the US? How long did that take?
It is surprising what you can do when you Photoshop your documents. It really doesn’t take all that long. Since we have a president with faked/secret qualifications, what is so wrong with fake/secret documents? After all, the same people who voted for him are now being treated as enemies of the state. Isn’t that simple ironic justice? We won’t discuss how much the state is becoming an enemy of the people and how much worse that is than not catching a few terrorists.
If we were left free to defend ourselves and understood that we individually have that responsibility, the terrorists wouldn’t have a chance. As it is, we must not mention their connection to violent Islam, read them their Miranda Rights, give them free counsel, treat them innocent until proven guilty, and, if convicted, put them up in a luxury hotel for the rest of their lives at our expense. This even though they were caught red handed and confessed to both their motivation and acts. Where is the justice in this?
This administration DID NOT get a warrant. All of these records and data seizures were based solely on recurring National Security Letters.
The warrants he did get were rubber stamped by the FISA court. Over 1000 approved, none rejected, only one withdrawn by the govt.
Eric Withholder judge-shopped until he could find a judge to sign-off on the James Rosen warrant. In my field, this is like drug-seekers doctor-shopping until find one who will rx narcotics and other controlled substances (and either the doctor is naive/fooled or is complicit and does this in return for money/sex/drugs/etc.).
The data collected may only legally be accessed with a warrant, but who thinks that data is secured and won’t be intentionally leaked or hacked? Look what happened to IRS data leaked to enemies. The ICD and CPT codes in your medical record describing the diseases you have or procedures/surgeries undergone will not be secure from misuse.
The FISA court is a rubber stamp, no check on govt overreach by the executive or legislative branches – http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/may/03/fisa-court-rubber-stamp-drones
throughout history: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/06/10/1215091/-FISA-is-a-Kangaroo-Court
The executive branch has severely overreached, enabled by a few in leadership of the legislative branch (bipartisan), and a judicial branch that doesn’t do it’s job.
Obama (paraphrase): “If people can’t trust us, then we’re going to have some problems.”
I agree completely.
I was just presenting what I heard in the press. Officially, there was a warrant(s) so Obama has a rationale. (“I said warantless”) But he is a grifter and bs artist of the worst kind. I cannot believe Leftists have not been able to see through him – even people on the right were fooled by this well spoken Svengali.
This is an excellent find. We can use it over and over again!
I suggest we flood the leftist forums with these clips and that screencap, shove it right down their throats!