Shock News : Sea Ice Is Above Normal

I overlaid NSIDC’s north and south extent graphs at the same scale, and am having a very difficult time seeing the climate catastrophe.

NSIDC stretches the y-axis of their Arctic graphs and chops off the y-axis at 5 million km², which makes it look like ice is melting faster than it is – and is going to disappear soon.

This is what the un-stretched graph looks like. Note that Antarctica has gained more ice than the Arctic has lost.

ScreenHunter_115 Jun. 13 15.53

N_timeseries.png (1050×840)

S_timeseries.png (1050×840)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Shock News : Sea Ice Is Above Normal

  1. Olaf Koenders says:

    Alarmists have always stretched their y axes, and the truth. If they’d mark them in whole degrees (something we might actually feel) they’d barely resemble audio static and be a straight line.

  2. F. Guimaraes says:

    NOAA agrees with your conclusion,
    The Antarctic icecap has a positive anomaly today of +912,000 km^2
    (~ beginning of winter, but has been above 1 million twice already this year, on April and last week)
    and the Arctic icecap is -695,000 km^2 (melting season)
    therefore, the present “global average” is +217,000 km^2
    Therefore, as of Jun 14th 2013, the glaciers of the world are doing very well, thank you! 🙂
    ps.: all we need now is a melting season like 2009, to put another nail in the coffin of the great GW fraud.

  3. F. Guimaraes says:

    BTW, Steve, you know that Alaska is not cooperating too much with the GW agenda in the recent years, then they have just found another “canary”, i.e, the Arctic:
    “research scientist Charles Miller of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif… ” is studying the importance of methane on the “dramatic warming” of the N. Pole and have just concluded that
    “Climate change is already happening in the Arctic… Looking at the Arctic is like looking at the canary in the coal mine for the entire Earth system.”
    How ridiculous these alarmist claims sound to us and everyone else with a little knowledge about the real facts behind the “climate change” scam!

  4. gator69 says:

    If they don’t stop this continuous stretching of their y-axis, they will surely go blind.

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