Shock News : White House Finds Out That They Have Squandered All Of Their Credibility


ScreenHunter_241 Jun. 22 14.05


ScreenHunter_273 Jun. 23 17.15

Perhaps Obama will  send some drones to Hong Kong in order to  further enhance his international reputation.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Shock News : White House Finds Out That They Have Squandered All Of Their Credibility

  1. Andy Oz says:

    Rupert Murdoch and News Corporation got into a pile of legal trouble by systematically hacking people’s phones and emails in the UK. I wonder when David Cameron, Obama and Holder will be fronting the Leveson Inquiry for doing EXACTLY the same thing.
    China or Russia seem to be bastions of democracy compared to the US and the UK.
    On ya Snowden!

  2. Chuck L says:

    What a joke – as if any of our international adversaries give a rat’s ass about anything Obama says. Of course he can always apologize (again).

  3. terrence says:

    Saint Obama and his Palace, aka the white house, UNEXPECTEDLY did not think Hong Kong would make up its own mind… Hong Kong SHOULD know that they exist to do Saint Obama’s wishes.

  4. CFI says:

    Strange, when a government is caught spying on its own people they try to charge the whistleblower with espionage.

  5. Hugh K says:

    MSLSD is reporting Hong Kong was simply blinded by the setting sun in Berlin which allowed Snowden to ‘escape’.

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