Simple Ways To Reduce Crime, Sexually Transmitted Disease, Global Warming And Terrorism

  1. Don’t let anyone own anything. All property belongs to the state and is evenly distributed.
  2. Allow the police to enter anyone’s place of residence at any time. This would greatly reduce red tape and delays in getting crimes solved.
  3. Government surveillance in the bedroom. The STD police would know who isn’t using condoms and could dispatch an agent to keep people from wetting their wicks illegally.
  4. Government surveillance in the kitchen. Eating meat is the #1 cause of global warming. If you are seen eating more planet destroying food than your quota, an EPA agent could be immediately dispatched to your home.

My name is George Orwell, and I didn’t intend for my writing to become the basis of US domestic policy.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Simple Ways To Reduce Crime, Sexually Transmitted Disease, Global Warming And Terrorism

  1. Richard T. Fowler says:

    Don’t forget perhaps the most important one of all:

    Secret Government Surveillance in the Bathroom.

    Because once the livestock discover the reasons for openly surveilling the bedroom and the kitchen, they will try to do all their verboten activities in the bathroom.


  2. Richard T. Fowler says:

    “I didn’t intend for my writing to become the basis of US domestic policy.”

    And yet in 1984, there is a certain air of “Resistance is futile”, is there not?


  3. Andy DC says:

    Aside from all these agents, what does anyone do for a living?

  4. terrence says:

    It’s an Obama world…

  5. Olaf Koenders says:

    Wonder how long it’ll be before Knobama employs Daleks and Cybermen..

  6. Moh Kan Wu says:

    Yes, the simple way is the future, however, implicated in Government, it will be very complicated.

  7. phodges says:

    Regarding Orwell, it was indeed intended to be a warning of what has been planned. You must also remember Orwell was at the core of Fabian Socialist leadership, and only left “politics” because he was passed over for advancement within the movement. What is the “ultimate revolution” planned by their forefathers referred to in his letter to Huxley??

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