T.O.O. Mission Accomplished

Our local court jester T.O.O., has made numerous very excited  comments over the last 24 hours boasting about a tiny opening in the ice just west of Point Barrow. You might be able to locate this inside the red circle below.

ScreenHunter_367 Jun. 27 05.48

arctic.io – Arctic Terra – (2013/177)

T.O.O. believes that this opening is going to lead to a collapse of the Arctic

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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58 Responses to T.O.O. Mission Accomplished

  1. Jimbo says:

    This is T.O.O. desperate. Get a grip man. 🙁

  2. Jimmy Haigh. says:

    Totally Open Orifice?

  3. Andy Oz says:

    He is partaking in too many hallucinagens.

  4. Jim Hunt says:

    Follow your link Steven, and zoom in on the area between Barrow and Wrangel Island.

    Does that look like “pack ice extending hundreds of miles” to you?

  5. Jim Hunt says:

    The image above looks more like clouds extending thousands of miles, with a few gaps here and there.

  6. T.O.O says:

    One post to tell you that Barrows ice has melted early and one to clarify your misleading post on where the 2013 melt sits in the rankings is your idea of very exited? You are a real rock n roller Steve.

  7. copernicus34 says:

    “Dog 1 is now open, I repeat, Dog 1 is now open”

  8. Justa Joe says:

    I doubt previous generation were as neurotic about ice.

    • gator69 says:

      Maybe when it advanced, but then again I would not call that neurosis, I would call it common sense.

      If only stupidity were always immediately fatal.

    • T.O.O says:

      Justa Joe,
      I believe that is a very true observation. What could possibly be the reason why the present generation to be neurotic about the ice?

      • Programmed to be psychotic since they were small.

        • T.O.O says:

          I think the present generation is finally realizing that bad things will happen if you treat the environment as an open sewer..

        • Yea, we quit doing that in about 1970

        • T.O.O says:

          We have made a start — in some countries — with the visible pollution, but we could have more efficient smoke stack scrubbers, we can eliminate mountain top removal for coal deposits, we could stop siphoning off creeks and lakes for frakking — we still have a ways to go. Most importantly, we can put clean and renewable energy programs onto the front burner and begin exporting the fruits of that labor to places where clean air and water is threatened.

      • Jimbo says:

        See how smog in Los Angeles and London have got faaaaar worse today than in the past. Look at the cities of London and Birmingham today compared to 1855. Look at lead pollution by cars in US cities compared to the past. I could go on but you need to take a closer look at your statement about ‘open sewer’.

        PS there was a time we used whale oil, horse drawn carriage (manure galore), paraffin and candles for light, coal for heating instead of natural gas. Do you want us to return to those halcyon days? Fossil fuels have helped the environment more than you wish to imagine. Would you agree that burning coal is better than chopping down and burning trees? Take a long good hard look at your way of thinking. It is deeply flawed. 🙁

  9. gofer says:

    The whole point of the enviro movement is to go backwards. Erhlich called economic growth a disease. Holdren wants to de-develop the U.S. It’s a constant barrage of them griping about too many people, too much consumption, too much…..The hypocrites at the Sierra Club draw their big salaries and suffer from “smug” while telling the peons we need to live with birdchoppers and solar panels. The entire point is to control energy which is the “means of production”. Controlling that means controlling everything and everybody. That’s the purpose of a carbon tax, to make it so expensive that people will stop buying and spending therefore curtailing the need for energy, then the govt. can supply the people with their “needs”. The useful idiots of the world play along while the bankers count their “carbon credit” money and Nations drool over the money from taxing air. It’s Orwellian to call CO2 pollution and refer to it as sewage. Only the over-privileged have time or the motivation to fret about what ppm CO2 is and if energy meets their clean standards. The rest have to work and worry about the real world problems and have no need to invent them. Why some are worked-up over mountain-top mining is a mystery unless they live near the mountain-top. I doubt there are any folks in E. Ky griping that Ca. is ripping up land to build a railway to fantasyland.

    • T.O.O. says:

      No gofer,
      The whole point of the enviro movement is to leave a healthy planet, with a healthy reserve of Earth’s bounty to the generations that come after so they have a chance for a healthy life.

      • Blade says:

        The whole point of the enviro movement is to leave a healthy planet, with a healthy reserve of Earth’s bounty to the generations that come after so they have a chance for a healthy life.

        Either you just dated yourself as an empty-headed youngster or an old leftist dead-ender. Regardless, you are factually incorrect.

        Environmentalism was fairly pure and honest until the late 1960’s. Sierra Club, Audobon, and all the other solid, reputable groups were conservationists, members considered themselves naturalists and had high principles. I know this because I was there and so were others who I suspect also post at this website. Incidentally, many overlapped into the NRA as well because everyone had the same goals.

        Then came the loons like Ehrlich, and Greenpeace, and Nader and wide-scale infiltration of institutions ( not just environmentalism, but schools, media, etc ) by leftist subversives. It was a combination of the later Vietnam years and Chicago 1968 and 1972, and finally Watergate that dominated this transition. The purists were chased out by neo-Communists and outright Communists. Once getting their hands on the steering wheel of these groups they set about destroying America instead.

        And now along comes T.O.O. wet behind the ears imagining an alternate universe where unicorns still roam the hills with rainbows shooting out their asses, a world where these innocent groups care about the children. The real universe however consists of leftist neo-Communist front groups that have no concern for children whatsoever, the truth of the matter is that they will sacrifice them on the alter of liberalism in a heartbeat by cutting off their power and and letting them freeze and starve to death. Let them eat Tofu.

        Now go learn something …


        • T.O.O. says:

          “And now along comes T.O.O. wet behind the ears imagining an alternate universe where unicorns still roam the hills with rainbows shooting out their asses, a world where these innocent groups care about the children.”

          Really? You get all that from insisting that bloggers back up their statements with citations and from making referenced statements regarding CO2, renewable energy and Arctic ice?

          That is quite an active imagination you have there. Do you do illustrations also?

        • T.O.O. says:

          What’s Up with you guys and WUWT? Is that site and Steve Goddard’s the only references you are allowed to use or what?

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