The Arctic Slushie

One commenter yesterday said that global warming was turning this region of the Arctic (which has lots of multi-year ice and is covered with fresh snow) into a “slushie.”

ScreenHunter_372 Jun. 27 06.29 – Arctic Terra – (2013/177)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to The Arctic Slushie

  1. Glacierman says:

    Maybe a slushy, but made from Rotten Ice, so not good to eat.

    • Latitude says:

      move it over to the same place…
      it was more broken up last year

      • tckev says:

        If you click on the link then zoom right in, as far as it will go, scan around the top right hand side you’ll see a pile ice blocks and snowy blobs. You should find a blob that’s sort of odd irregular star shape. Now if you look next to that one, at that blob towards the to right hand side, you should see a shadowy figure just below it. Now I’m sure that is Edward Snowden poking out from behind a snowdrift.

    • That area is too close to the pole to melt out.

      Perhaps you could provide the same analysis for the Beaufort Sea?

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