The Progressive Approach To Government

  1. Identify imperfections in the current system
  2. Throw out the baby with the bath water
  3. Seek out methods which have failed repeatedly in the past, and caused great suffering and poverty
  4. Implement the failed methods in the name of social justice
  5. Announce that you have overcome evil
  6. Repeat, until life sucks equally bad* for all of the peasants

* Equality of suffering indicates social justice

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to The Progressive Approach To Government

  1. gator69 says:

    Funny how leftists name things exactly the opposite of what they truly are. Such as ‘Progressive’ and ‘Affordable Care Act’.

  2. jeffk says:

    Progressive policies cause regressive realities. With the exceptions of retirement and racial civil rights, every single “progressive” policy since World War II has backfired and fostered MORE poverty and a shrinking middle class:
    – GI Bill group preferences brought suburban sprawl and white flight from inner cities, leaving them to drugs, violence, joblessness, welfare dependency (= net loss);
    – Labor union benefits were co-opted by the gov’t, making unions obsolete and benefiting everybody (even the unemployed) = net loss;
    – Interstate highways enabled exurbs, water depletion, unequal public schools, pollution, walled bedroom communities, and housing bubbles (with help from Housing Fairness) = net loss;
    – Atheism in public schools (prayer ban) gave more reason to attend parochial schools, aggravating unequal education even more = net loss;
    – Medicaid mandates on states forced them to cut every other public service or raise regressive taxes, make state lotteries and Indian casinos, enabled underclass offspring to multiply while forcing college student loans (and delayed offspring) on shrinking middle class = net loss;
    – Feminists inexplicably waited until baby boomers were flooding the labor pool to tell women to work, too — thus driving down wages even more, increasing divorce rates, rush hour traffic, and childhood delinquency = net loss;
    – Birth control misuse upped hedonism, teen suicides, and human de-evolution (the wrong people use it, and the wrong people do not) = net loss;
    – Ethanol (burning food for politics) has driven up food prices (and Food Stamp rolls) and diminishes car mileage MPGs = net loss;
    – Global warming/climate change politics have driven up energy costs and cost of living needlessly, based on weather hysteria, to keep grant funding streams. Worse, climate cultists also support development in 3rd world, involving industrialization and market globalization, causing even more pollution and human suffering = a loss;
    – Obamacare gives employers reasons to NOT hire more workers, to cut hours and other benefits, or fold shop and retire early; plus it adds another middle class tax on individuals = net loss;
    – Immigration “Reform” : Minimum Wage law is why illegal immigrants come here, to work underground and live in group homes together. While American underclass can’t find/won’t work for minimum wage, join gangs, sell or use drugs, live in public housing alone with unwed offspring (funded by Medicaid at expense of middle class).
    [ In Europe, some nations without minimum wage (Germany, Sweden, Switzerland and Denmark) have lower unemployment and illegal immigrant rates, compared to U.S. People there must work for any wage just to pay healthcare tax. But their neighboring nations (France, Greece, Spain, Italy) encourage welfare instead, have more illegals, more underground economy, crime like the U.S. ]= net loss.

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