Understanding The Democratic Thought Process

Yesterday Obama said :

“We don’t have time for a meeting of the Flat Earth Society Sticking your head in the sand might make you feel safer but it’s not going to protect you from the coming storm.”

Apparently no debate, means debate :

Durbin added on the Senate floor: “I think he (Obama) is on the right track to engage us in a national debate

Obama carbon plan draws little applause in St. Louis region – lakeexpo.com: Top Stories

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Understanding The Democratic Thought Process

  1. Latitude says:

    global warming has been “coming” from over 50 years now……it’s a half degree

  2. John M says:

    Of course. They’re open to having a debate with everyone who agrees with them. They’re in favor of free speech too, as long as it’s speech they agree with.

  3. Andy DC says:

    Debate won’t protect you from the coming storm. It did not protect you in 1900 and it won’t in 2100 either.

  4. Mike says:

    “We don’t have time for a meeting of the Flat Earth Society Sticking your head in the sand might make you feel safer but it’s not going to protect you from the coming storm.”

    Who wrote this Obama or Gore?

  5. kirkmyers says:

    The debate should be over. Observational data shows that the planet is no longer warming. And it’s quite possible that the alleged 0.7 degree C warming that took place in the late 20th century was most probably the result of an active sun, with the warming signal getting a further boost from temperature data tainted by the UHI effect and “adjustments” by scientists who have a vested interest in keeping the CO2 warming scare alive.

    The planet is not warming. And there is no correlation between rising CO2 and temperature increases. In fact, as ice core data shows, the correlation is exactly the reverse. Rising temperatures cause an increase in CO2 levels. All of this data, of course, is ignored by warmist scientists and their allies in the media and on Capitol Hill.

    The AGW scare will go into the record books as the greatest scientific fraud in history.

  6. tckev says:

    Democratic thought process is to tax the ass out of you, then as the next election is in sight to bribe you with some of your own money.
    Is the US ready to get fooled again? We’ll see.

  7. gator69 says:

    Democrats think? I only see them emoting.

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