Understanding The Interaction Between Taxes And Climate

  1. Take LSD
  2. It all becomes clear

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Understanding The Interaction Between Taxes And Climate

  1. gofer says:

    When the democrats had complete control, they didn’t pass immigration or cap and trade because they would have meant they would have been saddled with the consequences. They have to woo a bunch of weak-kneed Republicans onto their side to shield them from taking responsibility. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if Obama hopes they lose the Senate,so he can spend the rest of his term demonizing them for everything and give him an excuse for issuing executive orders, then dare them to do something “racist” about it.

  2. Andy Oz says:

    I think the Alarmists stop at 1.

  3. David says:

    I have done tons of LSD and can assure you this would make no sense during a trip. I played better chess tripping than I ever did straight. I also blew a 1470 on the SAT without studying at all on 3 hits of blotter.

    • But you don’t know how it worked. I suggest hypnosis or similar mental self-suggestion techniques would have done the same thing for you, without chemicals. It’s what’s in your mind, and how you use it, that counts, not any external catalyst, any chemical intrusion into an already well-designed thinking system.

  4. phodges says:

    1. Take LSD
    2. It all becomes clear

    Now that’s a sound endorsement.

    Why do you think it is illegal?

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