White House Harassing Parents Of Slain Hero

Obama scored some political points by revealing the Seal’s identities, which made them a target for the Taliban.

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — A Philadelphia couple has joined the first class-action lawsuit against the Obama administration over the National Security Agency’s collection of millions of customer phone records from Verizon.

The plaintiffs are calling the domestic spy operation a breach of privacy.

Filed in federal court in Washington, DC on Sunday, the lawsuit names a host of heavy hitters including President Obama, the NSA, and the Department of Justice.

“It’s a violation of our privacy rights, our freedom of association, our due process rights,” says attorney Larry Klayman, founder of Freedom Watch.

Klayman originally filed the lawsuit last week as the sole plaintiff. On Sunday, Charles and Mary Anne Strange — a Philadelphia couple whose son Michael, a US Navy Seal, was killed in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan in 2011 (see related story) — joined the suit as a class action.

“Somebody has to be held accountable for my son’s death. Thirty brave Americans, the biggest loss in the Afghan war. And that’s when I started asking questions, that’s when my phone got tapped,” Strange said.

Strange claims he heard tapping noises while on the phone and he says he started getting odd texts shortly after his son’s death.

“I called Verizon, ‘I have a text 001 and 002’ and I called them up and I said ‘who’s this?’ and they said it’s somebody listening in from the United States, and someone from Afghanistan,” Strange explained.

The plaintiffs say they have been highly critical of the current administration and are likely targets.

Philadelphia Couple Join Class-Action Lawsuit Against NSA’s Verizon Spying « CBS Philly

We have no dissent in the Soviet White House

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to White House Harassing Parents Of Slain Hero

  1. This is why I never answer my cell phone. I don’t call anyone. I keep it turned off. I boiled it in boiling water and then put it in the toaster and turn the dial up to dark. Then I take it out and run it over with my car. Find all the bits and pieces of it and throw them out in the yard. Nobody is going to track this whipper snapper. I’ll stay one step ahead of them. My next step is to send the NSA my AT&T bill.

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