Daily Archives: July 29, 2013

Global Warming To Boil The Ocean

A GLOBAL warming Armageddon in which the oceans boil dry could theoretically happen on Earth, researchers claim. Seas could boil dry say scientists | Herald Scotland h/t to Tom Nelson

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Understanding The Bill Clinton Middle East Peace Process

As soon as the peace process starts, terrorism skyrockets. Kerry must have used some pretty potent extortion to get Israel to march off the cliff.

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Central New Mexico Gets 30-50% Of Their Annual Rainfall In One Week – Government Says They Are Having An Exceptional Drought

Intellicast – Weekly Precipitation in United States US Drought Monitor

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Why Didn’t Eisenhower Take Control Of The Climate?

Apparently Eisenhower didn’t know that greedy white Americans cause tornadoes. He just wasn’t as smart as Obama. The News-Sentinel – Google News Archive Search The Times-News – Google News Archive Search The Free Lance-Star – Google News Archive Search Toledo … Continue reading

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Obama Inspired Hate Crime

Metropolitan Police are investigating a Saturday morning assault and robbery as a hate crime. Police said a man, 28, from Bethesda, Md., was attacked in the 1700 block of Euclid Street, NW, in Adams Morgan. The victim said he was … Continue reading

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Another Racist Hate Crime Which Obama And Holder Are Ignoring

Mob Of Teens Brutally Attack Man In Heart Of Little Italy « CBS Baltimore Obama is sending the message loud and clear that he is a racist. He obsesses over imaginary hate crimes, and ignores the real ones. A friend … Continue reading

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Forbes : “The rate of temperature change is pretty fast this time”

The rate of temperature change is pretty fast this time and we’re seeing serious effects even within a single human lifetime. The number of species that go extinct is a direct function of the rate at which the temperature changes. … Continue reading

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NSIDC : Hiding The Incline

From Polar Bear Science Recall that in a recent post on the Beaufort Sea ice extent comparison offered by the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) here, I commented: “What puzzled me was why they featured only the last 7 years … Continue reading

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Today’s Progress

Big day today. The rowers are about 13 km (as the crow flies) away from where they started today, and about 5km further away from Pond Inlet than they were this morning. Only 2,000 km left to go!

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