New Web Page Devoted To Michael Mann’s Work

I created a new page below Toto called Hide The Decline . The intent is to gather a repository of information about the quality of work by Michael “Robust Debate” Mann. Please post anything you have gathered there for his upcoming court case.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to New Web Page Devoted To Michael Mann’s Work

  1. Brad says:

    Cowpoke = Michael Mann?

  2. Stuart Elliot says:

    You mean “Meltdown Mann”?

  3. Glacierman says:

    Don’t forget the tweets from Magic Mike…..some are priceless.

  4. Glacierman says:

    The history of Mickey claiming to be a Nobel Prize winner and having to back off:

  5. R. de Haan says:

    steven Goddard, you are a true danger to Mann who now has an article at WUWT where he kills a scientific report from another alarmist.

    Now when one alarmists starts finishing off another alarmist, victory is within grabs.

    Keep up the good works helping them to dig their own graves.

    The times for discussion is long gone. All we have left is to achieve the complete eradication of the warmist society.

    They have earned it.

  6. R. de Haan says:

    Just for the record, if there was a cancer to the planet as the Club of Rome and the UN have proclaimed it’s not humanity but the environmental movement and the political elite abusing our trust. It’s them or us or nuclear war. We have nothing to loose.

  7. @njsnowfan says:

    Oh well I guess that video I posted did not make the cut.
    Make easy access to this page by posting on top of web page for easy access please.

  8. @njsnowfan says:

    Ok I see it now I posted on the wrong page …

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