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Daily Archives: August 17, 2013
US Summer Maximum Temperatures Plummeting Since 1930
Prior to NOAA data tampering, US summer afternoon temperatures have been plummeting, with the current summer being the eighth coolest on record so far, and almost 3C cooler than 1936. This does not suit Obama’s agenda, so look for government … Continue reading
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US Summer 47th Coolest On Record
Experts are talking about heatwaves and telling us that the US summers are getting much hotter. In fact, this has been the 47th coolest summer on record so far, and there has been no trend in summer temperatures since 1895. … Continue reading
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Experts : Arctic To Melt Away Quite Suddenly In The Next Few Days
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Arctic summers ice-free ‘by 2013’ Heartbreaking to know that all that ice in the map below is going to suddenly disappear – because you didn’t buy a hybrid.
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Reader Quiz :
The Earth has warmed 0.00 degrees in the last 17 years. What percentage of that warming is man-made? 97% 95% 140% 40% man-made CO2/60% witchcraft Four Hiroshima bombs per second at the bottom of the ocean
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Silly Kenyan Birthers
Four years before Obama was elected to the White House, Kenyans thought Obama was born in Kenya. What do they know about Kenya anyway? Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate
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Obama’s Secret Skittles Stash Located
Turns out it was in the same shoe box as his birth certificate.
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Cherry Picking Arctic Ice
Notice from the management : When discussing Arctic ice, any mention of 2013 is cherry picking. The only correct time frame for discussions of Arctic ice is September, 2012.
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Electron Microscopy Reveals The Footprint Of Man-Made CO2 Molecules
Mann-Made CO2 Natural CO2
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Global Sea Ice Area Close To The 1980s Average
arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere/timeseries.global.anom.1979-2008 Experts say the poles are melting down, because they have absolutely no clue what they are talking about.
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Obama Brags About Spain’s Green Economy
2009 Obama pointed to Spain, Germany and Japan, where, he said “they’re making real investments in renewable energy” and “surging ahead of us, poised to take the lead in these new industries.” “This isn’t because they’re smarter than us, or … Continue reading
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