1978 Shock News : Earth Entering Little Ice Age

ScreenHunter_411 Aug. 26 09.00ScreenHunter_413 Aug. 26 09.00

Ellensburg Daily Record – Google News Archive Search

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to 1978 Shock News : Earth Entering Little Ice Age

  1. Okie says:

    Okay, so they were off by 35 years on the prediction, that’s just noise in terms of geologic ages. Now, the only thing that stands between us and massive cooling is the charcoal bbq in your backyard; use it wisely.

    • miked1947 says:

      They were not off by any reasonable amount because the globe has been cooling for over 5,000 years toward the next glacial maximum. Of course we only have about 70,000 years, give or take a few thousand, before the globe reaches the coldest period. Even with short periods of warming thrown in the globe is still on a cooling trend and will not get into another warming trend for about 100,000 years.

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