35 Consecutive Years Of The “Palestinian Peace Process”

Under President Sadat, Egypt signed the Camp David accords with Israel in 1978 outlining “the framework for peace in the Middle East”. This included limited autonomy for Palestinians.

BBC ON THIS DAY | 6 | 1981: Egypt’s President Sadat assassinated

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to 35 Consecutive Years Of The “Palestinian Peace Process”

  1. JimmySpags says:

    Framework for peace, road map to peace. Arab rockets. Israeli settlements. 6,000 years of strife. Who’s kidding who?

  2. Gamecock says:

    They couldn’t get peace, so they went for a process. Not really the next best thing.

  3. omanuel says:

    Mankind is a dangerous, manipulative animal that inadvertently generates a lot of problems for mankind.

    Jewish, Christian and Muslem religions all come from the same geographical region, they all teach the importance of love and tolerance, but their conflicts have brought untold misery to people.

    Is mankind capable of peaceful living?

    • When he learns the truth about himself–which is the same for all mankind–yes. We are all here to learn, not pursue happiness according only to our misunderstanding of what will give us happiness–or according to unquestioned dogmas of others, ancient or modern–and there has always been real wisdom available in this world, of man’s true being and worth. But the young need to be taught solid morality: “Love your fellow man, as you love yourself”, for he was made as you were, with a mind and feelings designed for peaceful living. You must find it within you first, and make it yours by loving choice.

      Needless to say, I am only a competent scientist, not a messiah. But I have become wise, through many years, to an unguessable extent.

  4. Pathway says:

    Peace occurs when I kick your ass and you surrender to my will.

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