97% Of All Ohio 100 Degree Readings Occurred With CO2 Below 350 PPM

Prior to 1955, 100ºF temperatures were common in Ohio. They are very rare now, with none recorded in 2013. Ninety-seven percent of all Ohio 100ºF readings occurred with CO2 below 350 PPM. The five hottest summers in Ohio were 1936, 1934, 1930, 1980 and 1918.

ScreenHunter_475 Aug. 28 03.54

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to 97% Of All Ohio 100 Degree Readings Occurred With CO2 Below 350 PPM

  1. Michael Spencer says:

    This is off the immediate topic, but: over the past five years I have been assembling a massive PowerPoint slide show to get ‘out there’, probably on USB memory sticks, targeted particularly at the young and gullible who have been told that the present weather is ‘unprecedented’, etc. (you know the story ….), and I have links to several collages of old newspaper reports that you had assembled. It’s interesting that the National Library of Australia should have been one of your principal resources!

    Now,unhappily, your links seem to have disappeared and I am loathe to delete them because they were excellent. These are (or were): http://www.real-science.com/uncategorized/arctic and http://www.real-science.com/arctic-meltdown. Is there any chance of restoring them to their former glory?

    My slide show may be downloaded at http://galileomovement.com.au/media/ReconsideringClimateChange.ppsx and the links are both via slide 133.

    I would be interested in your observations on the (massive) show. Its principal theme is “Don’t believe everything you’ve been told; check it out for yourself!” and (of course) “Follow the money!”

    I look forward to hearing from you. In the meantime keep stirring the possum!

    • Look at the links under Dorothy and Toto

      • Michael Spencer says:

        Thanks Steve – I have linked several of these already in other places, such as the debunking of the ‘Below350.Org’ nonsense. I was hoping to avoid having to change links because of having quite a lot of copies of the PowerPoint already ‘out there’. So now I will use the ‘Bad Weather’ and the ‘Polar Meltdown’ links.

        As I’ve said already – keep stirring the possum, and I have to say that you have been totally intrepid in the exposure of this fraud. More power to your arm!

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