97% Of Minnesota 100 Degree Readings Occurred Below 350 PPM CO2

Minnesota HCN stations have recorded two 100ºF readings this summer, compared to 204 in 1936. There have been a total of 1,038 100ºF readings since 1893, 97.5% of which occurred with CO2 below 350 PPM.

ScreenHunter_439 Aug. 27 12.13

McKibben was whining about the heat in the midwest today.

ScreenHunter_440 Aug. 27 12.21

ScreenHunter_441 Aug. 27 12.21

Twitter / billmckibben: Midwest schools cancelling …

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to 97% Of Minnesota 100 Degree Readings Occurred Below 350 PPM CO2

  1. phodges says:

    And the leaves are changing on the aspens in California.

  2. Chewer says:

    We had 26 degrees F, this morning and I’d say McPieceofshitten can take a leap-:)

  3. Colin Pearson (@GiggityGiggityX) says:

    Steve I love the fact that you don’t actually need to put in real effort to discredit AGW, the likes of Bill McKibben do the hard work for you 🙂

  4. ralphcramdo says:

    Someone inform Bill that it’s summer. Heat happens in summer, almost every year.

  5. Puim ?@NotreDameFan27 7m

    @billmckibben After the cool and uneventful year we’ve had, this post is just an embarrassment for you. We’ve had only 4 or 5 weeks of summer.

    I like some of the other replies too, like the one above.

  6. ralphcramdo says:

    Bill forgot to add this little tidbit to his tweet.

    Five elementary schools in Fargo, North Dakota, canceled classes through Wednesday because the buildings weren’t fully air-conditioned. Temperatures inside them on Sunday ranged from 85 degrees to 90 degrees, Fargo Schools Superintendent Jeff Schatz said.


    • squid2112 says:

      I lived in Fargo, ND for 25 years. I was on a roof shingling during college when it was 103°F (1985). Fargo, ND’s record high temperature is 114°F (1936), where as Nashville, TN’s record temperature is 107°F (1952). Take note that Nashville is a whole lot further south than Fargo, and, Nashville is slightly lower elevation (597 ft) vs. Fargo (904 ft).

      So, one would wonder, why would Fargo have such a higher record temperature than Nashville. Doesn’t seem to make sense does it? It is really quite simple. Nashville has a lot more of that dangerous GHG called “water vapor” (ie: humidity) .. which we all know leads to runaway warming …er, … sorry, more precisely COOLING .. this is a perfect demonstration as to why deserts are hotter than the tropics, and why heat waves only happen during dry periods. Just go take a look at the relative humidity right now where the heat waves are. I will bet you they are DRY .. not moist!

      And what the hell is “fully air-conditioned” ? … are they air-conditioned or aren’t they? … this is just an excuse .. much like a lot of the blizzard days each winter. Been there, done that …

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