We hear all kind of bizarre clams about climate catastrophe from people calling themselves scientists. It is time that we tighten up the definition of the term :
scientist : someone who couldn’t get a date in high school
We hear all kind of bizarre clams about climate catastrophe from people calling themselves scientists. It is time that we tighten up the definition of the term :
scientist : someone who couldn’t get a date in high school
Someone who didn’t want a date in high school…
Someone who writes articles for environmental organizations such as Greenpeace, WWF, or Sierra Club and has no real qualifications of any value.
You forgot our favorite in Canada…the Fruit Fly Foundation (aka David Suzuki)
Unfortunately people maintain they are scientific when they adopt Algorian Logic defined below:
A reasoning technique that entails reaching a conclusion about a subject in which one has no expertise and subsequently finding or creating factoids to support the supposition without using critical thinking skills or research to discern the obvious implausibility of the facts or the conclusion.
Maybe it has something to do with their bizarre ‘clams’. 😉