A Summary Of The State Of Global Warming Science

  1. Fraud
  2. Tampering
  3. Misinterpretation
  4. Confirmation Bias
  5. Garbage statistics
  6. Broken models
  7. Exaggeration
  8. Censorship
  9. Bullying
  10. Theft
  11. Forgery
  12. Avoiding FOIA requests
  13. Avoiding debates
  14. Junk science
  15. Contradiction
  16. Shell game
  17. Keep moving the canary
  18. Ignore your past failures
  19. Ignore real world data
  20. Big $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to A Summary Of The State Of Global Warming Science

  1. scizzorbill says:

    and no end in sight

  2. Larry Geiger says:


  3. omanuel says:

    That same summary fits almost every major field of physical science since
    Atomic bombs ended the Second World War.

    World leaders and scientists then made 24 Oct 1945 Plans to Save Us That instead Enslaved Us

    Fear of nuclear annihilation
    and Remorse for killing
    hundreds of thousands of innocent
    civilians in Aug 1945 convinced world leaders and scientists
    to take control of the world on 24 Oct 1945.

    See message sent to the Space
    Science & Technology Committee

    of the House of Representatives on 17
    July 2013:


    With kind regards, 
    – Oliver K. Manuel
    Former NASA Principal 
    Investigator for Apollo

  4. Andy Oz says:

    Only 20 matters.
    Just ask Mainstream about their $1.4 Billion Irish wind farm project application and the London finance industry about their $100’s of Billions in fraudulent carbon credits.

  5. omanuel says:

    Having documented deception for 68 yrs about the Sun – the  Creator & Sustainer of Life –, WHAT SHOULD WE DO ?


    With kind regards, 
    – Oliver K. Manuel
    Former NASA Principal 
    Investigator for Apollo

    • omanuel says:

      Those who converted food into ethanol will be unable to reverse the process and convert ethanol into food if history repeated itself.

      Genesis 41:29-30

    • omanuel says:


      Just speak the truth.

      Like Pharoh, they control essentially all human power. There was nothing that anyone could do to help Pharoh, until he realized the limitations of human power and asked Joseph for help.

      Whether or not that happens soon, it will happen when an EMP or cosmic event reveals the Sun’s pulsar core.

  6. Climatism says:

    Reblogged this on CACA and commented:
    21. Alarmism
    22. Dud predictions

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