This blog is about to pass 10,000,000 views, which is approximately equal to the number of dead people on the voting roles who normally vote a straight Democratic ticket.
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- Bob G on The Suffragettes
- Bob G on The Suffragettes
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- william on A Serious Problem
- arn on A Serious Problem
- Terry Shipman on A Serious Problem
10,000,000 hits are very impressive! Congratulations! You are making a difference.
Reblogged this on Climate Ponderings.
Congratulations. Be grateful for the dead.
Thanks Anthony. I just need to figure out how to get them to vote multiple times!
Ask Richard Daley., Jr or one of his protogées such as that ward heeler, Obama.
The Grateful Dead! 😆
Truckin, like the do-dah man.
Once told me you”ve got to play your hand.
Sometimes your cards aint worth a dime, if you don’t lay ’em down,
Sometimes the lights all shinin on me;
Other times I can barely see.
Lately it occurs to me
what a long, strange trip it’s been.
Good stuff Steve…well done!
Bravo Steve! Keep up the good work.
When people are alive the vote Republican, but as soon as they die they become Democrats.
The world population is the total number of living humans on Earth. As of today, it is estimated to number 7.000,000,000
So that means 1428 HPM (hits per million), if 400 PPM is dangerous 1428 PPM is catastrophic.
Dems have all the demographics covered, some even 6 ft under.
Congratulations, Steven!
You’re leading the way with so many awesome ground breaking posts debunking the warmist scam. I wish I could keep track of all of them better because your posts could often be key references in argument. One thing anyone here could do, though, is at google type in “site:” followed by this site, and then whatever topic you’re interested in, like I did that search with “1930s hotter” and get this result set:,or.r_qf.&fp=1c4f800936973a04&psj=1&
Not only democrats. See “hacking democracy”. It’s democrats and republicans vs. everyone else.
The only reason neither party has made a big deal out of all the cheating is that they’re both doing it. The real losers are small parties like greens, libertarians and those not playing the party line like Ron Paul.
There has been tests for similar type of vote rigging in Finland too. So far we have managed to trump them, but there is always new attempts to “improve” our voting system.
Now, if only we could get the zombies to vote.
WOW!…..great news!!!
That Big Oil money sure buys alot of hits! 😉
All it takes to kick ass is a critical mass.
Congrats Steve, you are firing for effect!
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All models indicate you now have more hits than Algore’s bong. Very impressive!!!
Brilliant stuff Steve … keep at ’em, especially those dead ones. Aren’t they the ones from SkS …
High intelligence yields high hits.
Congratulations and appreciation.
Steven, you are gifted
Well done, Steve! Congrats!
Many Democrat voters are dead from the neck up.
Congratulations on the 10 million?