America’s Dictator Going After The Second Amendment Again

WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice President Joe Biden says if Congress won’t act on gun control, he’ll fight for a new Congress.

Biden is unveiling two new steps President Barack Obama is taking on gun violence. The executive actions don’t require approval from Congress, where gun legislation collapsed earlier this year.

One new step will curb the import of military surplus weapons. The Obama administration is also proposing to close a loophole that lets certain weapons be registered to corporations without background checks.

Biden unveils gun measures, says Congress must act

Imported military surplus rifles are rarely used in crimes. The vast majority of gun violence (which is down 40% since 1992) is done by inner city gangs using cheap illegally obtained handguns.

Russian military surplus rifles are purchased by law-abiding gun collectors and hunters in the US. Obama is once again perverting due process and the US Constitution, for no reason other than the fact that he hates most Americans and wants to punish them.

When Obama uses the term “common sense” you know that he is up to something very evil.  He is in the process of shipping huge amounts of arms to Islamic terrorists in the Middle East, while he tries to confiscate them from law abiding Americans.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to America’s Dictator Going After The Second Amendment Again

  1. edonthewayup says:

    Reblogged this on Edonurwayup's Blog and commented:
    As I always say and It makes sense to me.

  2. D. Matteson says:

    “Russian military surplus rifles are purchased by law-abiding gun collectors and hunters …”
    I own guns but do not follow the market for them. If the hunters cannot get Russian rifles anymore wouldn’t that get them to buy American made firearms?

  3. Congress must act, to impeach both Obama and Biden.

  4. Chewer says:

    As they say, the 7.62 AK-47 and it’s multiple variations are dirt cheap in many areas around the planet, including $5 black-market buys in Yemen and poor north Africa countries.
    When you’re mission is to create hate & discontent in the despised capitalist U.S.A., this is the smart decision…
    Say one thing and ensure the opposite!

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