For immediate release
The Arctic has blown away all records for the extent of thin, rotten decayed ice which refuses to melt.
Like Briffa’s trees, CO2 has affected the ice, making it nearly impossible to melt – despite its extremely fragile state and prolonged exposure to the global warming blowtorch.
After consultations with Penn State University’s leading climate experts, the decision has been made to stop reporting Arctic ice – and instead graft on Indian Ocean ice data to complete the death spiral.
this is both unexpected and unprecedented… Thank Obama that Obama is in office to save us all!
It’s even worse than that! It is both unexpected and they predicted it all along! The water is so saturated with carbon that it is as stiff as a board.
It is a well known and modeled effect of increased “Anthropogenic” CO2 in the atmosphere!
Just ask Gavin or even the good folks at NSIDC!
Reggie is traveling to Fukushima. He heard that there are some extra “hot” ingredients for making “hot Brawndo” fuel for his Brawndo fueled Arctic Blowhard Blowtorch.
Definitely not going to be a record year one would have thought for low extent. I guess the 2013 ice free Arctic is not gonna happen now š
The Alarmists will say it was a typo. They really meant 2113. š
Penn State is world famous for its climate experts, as well as for their policies related to the loving care of disadvantaged young boys.
I say that all the “melting” was caused by the polar bears opening all that coca-cola and releasing the CO2. It’s “BIG POP” not “Big Oil” that is to blame for CAGW
Are you sure you’re not speaking about Big Beef, as in…
“Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, OH what a relief it is.”