Arizona Suffering From Exceptional Non-Drought

The US Drought Monitor shows northeastern Arizona in extreme to exceptional drought.

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Regional Drought Monitor: West

PMDI correctly shows that northeastern Arizona has no drought.

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Flagstaff just tied the record for the wettest July with almost eight inches of rain, and the geniuses at the US Drought Monitor say that they are having a severe drought.

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Flagstaff ties record set in 1919 for wettest July

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Arizona Suffering From Exceptional Non-Drought

  1. gator69 says:

    I’m waiting for them to list Atlantis.

  2. Bellerophon says:

    I see they have Laramie, WY listed in “Extreme Drought” on the PMDI though. Its such an extreme drought that I haven’t had to water my lawn for well over a month. The drought is also causing mildew to grow here as well….

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