Barry Has A Big Choice To Make

Barry has an itchy finger trigger. Does he go ahead prove that he is a complete imbecile and get impeached, or does he back off and just prove that he is a complete imbecile?


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Barry Has A Big Choice To Make

  1. Robertv says:

    Watch how the buildings come down

    • Blade says:

      ( dang replied in wrong place! )

      And planes sometimes look like flying saucers. This is how Alex Jones lost any credibility he might have had and became a favorite of Rosie O’Donnell.

      That building burned uncontrolled all day long because they had bigger fish to fry. After the twin towers collapsed and they lost tons of firefighters they then retasked to looking for live bodies and it was all hands on deck. That empty building had no chance to survive.

      So what you see there is NOT what a controlled implosion looks like, but instead what happens to a skyscraper when left alone to burn and collapse. Even the twin towers look kinda like controlled implosions to the amateur onlooker. But none of them were.

      • Scott Scarborough says:

        There have been many sky scrapers that have burned before. Some even to a burned out hulk. None collapsed. Such fires don’t melt steel and if they did it would be impossible to melt all support structures of the building at exactly the same time. If the fires were out how on earth do you suppose the structure collapsed? Steel does not turn into carbon like wood does. And structural steel is not tempered steel so there is no or very little temper for the steel to loose. And even if there was it would be its weakest when the fire was heating it so hot that it lost its temper not after the fire had gone out! For a fire to get so hot that it changes the characteristics of the steel in a structure, at that point, it would be only a small fraction of its strength when it was cool so how would a collapse occur AFTER all fires had gone out?

        • Blade says:

          Steel doesn’t have to melt for a tall building to collapse, it only needs to weaken enough to let a few floors collapse and begin some momentum. Blame gravity, not the CIA or some other spook agency.

          Even if that building was a bare skeleton of metal-only, it would still only require weakening, not melting to bring it straight down. But that building like all others was not metal only, but a metal skeleton with another 10x that weight in concrete, glass and furnishings. Almost everything inside that building burned or melted at temperatures below that of melting steel, it was all fuel left to cook, and cook it did, unchecked. I’m not aware of any other skyscraper left to burn unchecked, that’s what you would need for a valid comparison.

          And if I recall correctly, a huge segment of that building, like 12 stories or so was directly ripped open from the South Tower collapse, it was broadcast live on TV that very afternoon. Personally I have been in many of those 40 and 50 story and taller skyscrapers and you can sometimes feel when the wind blows. It is quite unsurprising that a catastrophic collapse will occur once the ball gets rolling.

          You know, it’s fine to question authority, I do it all the time, but there are some occasions that are simply ridiculous and this is one of them. Did it never occur to Alex Jones and his kook fan club that the logistics of wiring a building for destruction cannot be invisible? There are thousands of holes drilled into concrete stuffed with carefully wired charges, kilotons of rebar needs to be removed, and there are telltale flashes of light and sound that you cannot disguise.

        • Robertv says:

          Weakening can NOT bring a building straight down.Fire can NOT provoke the same weakness on the same moment on the same floor. It will ALWAYS be asymmetric.

        • Blade says:

          Seriously? That’s like saying wind can’t knock down a tree. But it certainly can after the rain loosens the roots from the soil.

          “Weakening” does NOT bring it down, it reduces structural integrity below the threshold needed for gravity to do what it has been doing all along. Any structure only stands until that threshold is passed.

          Every damn building on the planet is in the process of falling thanks to gravity. The ones that are still standing are successfully maintaining that balancing mechanism and will remain that way until something changes that balance.

    • gator69 says:

      “NIST report and press conference: Fire did indeed inflict enough column damage to destroy the building through a previously undocumented collapse sequence of thermal expansion. “Anyone who has run a tight jar lid under water to help loosen it knows that the metal expands when it gets hot,” Sunder said. “Heat also causes steel to lose strength and stiffness. Thermal expansion occurs at temperatures much lower than those required to reduce steel strength and stiffness.” The report found that as WTC 7’s steel beams expanded in the heat, numerous structural connections throughout the building failed. That weakened the structure even before the collapse of any vertical columns.”

      These buildings were never designed to withstand the attacks they received. 9/11/01 was a game changer that was never foreseen by WTC’s architects. Hindsight is always 20/20, unless your head is stuck up your hind.

  2. I keep telling everyone that Obama doesn’t have any character–he doesn’t have the character of even an imbecile. So now he has decided, very firmly (!@#$%), to lay the responsibility off onto Congress. He is (supposedly) very eager to attack, but after weeks of saying he wouldn’t let Congress stand in his way, he now says he believes in the American Way–a “constitutional democracy”, he called it–and will wait the two weeks or more that it takes to have Congress come back into session, have a “debate”, and etc.. What he believes, really, is in buttering both sides of his bread, so no matter which side ends up, he can say he is not responsible for the mess, but any praise is due to him. He stands now before the world unmasked in a critical situation (of his own making). I am even now watching Juan Williams on Fox news, trying to defend Obama, and his (Williams’s) performance, even now, is a testimony to the total delusion of those who believe in Obama–hence, once again, it is the Insane Left.

  3. Blade says:

    And planes sometimes look like flying saucers. This is how Alex Jones lost any credibility he might have had and became a favorite of Rosie O’Donnell.

    That building burned uncontrolled all day long because they had bigger fish to fry. After the twin towers collapsed and they lost tons of firefighters they then retasked to looking for live bodies and it was all hands on deck. That empty building had no chance to survive.

    So what you see there is NOT what a controlled implosion looks like, but instead what happens to a skyscraper when left alone to burn and collapse. Even the twin towers look kinda like controlled implosions to the amateur onlooker. But none of them were.

    • Blade says:

      Dang replied in wrong place! It belonged above.

    • Robertv says:

      I suppose you are a professional

      • Blade says:

        Ha! An appeal to authority? You can’t be serious.

        You’re on a site that questions authority driven Science and is all about logic, common sense and historical facts. You’re an entire premise is the opposite therefore you are completely out of place here. Please go pollute somewhere else!

        @Steve, they cannot fight you on the facts of climate science but they can most assuredly sabotage your site with 9/11 truther bullshit. Banning these assholes is not censorship, it is self-defense which is a vital component of self=preservation. Treat it the same as trolls that threaten the P-r-e-z-i-d-e-n-t or other officials. They will plant this stuff until you are a pariah.

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