Can Your Religion Do This?

ScreenHunter_287 Aug. 15 22.30

Islam: Making a True Difference in the World – One Body at a Time

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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32 Responses to Can Your Religion Do This?

  1. miked1947 says:

    Deadly force is the only possible solution to the issue in Egypt and many other Muslim countries.

  2. Mike D says:

    I don’t know if they were really that dangerous. They look unarmed to me.

  3. Andy Oz says:

    I saw them all eating Skittles. The truck obviously threw itself off the bridge all by itself!

  4. gator69 says:

    That’s small potatoes! The CAGW cult can force entire coal plants over the edge.

  5. omnologos says:

    Roman Catholics such as myself and Lutherans too can sadly answer YES WE CAN AND DID

    • Otter says:

      …but we got over it.

      • omnologos says:

        …after destroying our original civilization in WWI and WWII.

        Then we became Americans.

        • gator69 says:

          WWI &WWII were not religious wars. Hitler was an atheist.

        • omnologos says:

          we’ve been through this already – French and German priests told their troops God was on their side. WWII was a consequence of WWI.

        • gator69 says:

          Hitler was an atheist. Can you find quotes from those priests? Who were they following? Christ, or Hitler?

        • omnologos says:

          They were before Hitler, in WWI. Anyway if every religion has been used to commit atrocities (even Buddhists can transform into murderous mobs) and atheism has killed as many millions if not more, it’s meaningless to blame a particular religion as somehow “special”.

        • gator69 says:

          For someone as thoughtful as you are, you surprisingly keep making the same mistake.

          Mohammad taught his followers warfare and hatred.

          Christ taught us to love one another.

          How is it you keep missing this critical difference?

        • omnologos says:

          you don’t understand that human behavior is independent from what their religious founders taught.

          Mohammad placed Christ high up among the Prophets, and Muslims prayed in Christian churches for centuries. This is immaterial to those who’re burning Coptic worship places.

        • You need to get over Roman Catholicism. Period. Religious insight, in a true adult, must come from within, not from a priest or hierarchy. You have the responsibility to yourself, not to any church, or any group. Churches are for children–and they have been screwing up throughout history, just as individuals screw up. As Otter said above, you get over it, through forgiveness, sooner or later. Muslims, and fundamentalists in other religions, haven’t gotten over it, they are too stuck on relying on ancient church dogma. Jesus was not God, he was your and my older brother, showing the way (as all the wisest men and women of history have done, according to their ability). And “The Virgin Mary” is a symbolic holdover from, and throwback to, the archaic worship of the White Goddess, who preceded the patriarchal gods (like Zeus et al.); and that does NOT mean that the love felt by millions towards her is not real, and does not help the world immeasurably.

  6. gator69 says:

    “you don’t understand that human behavior is independent from what their religious founders taught.”

    You don’t understand the difference between human fallibility and the Gospel.

    “Mohammad placed Christ high up among the Prophets, and Muslims prayed in Christian churches for centuries. This is immaterial to those who’re burning Coptic worship places.”

    Mohammad was an opportunist who would say or do anything to gain power.

    Jesus taught us to love one another.

    Still don’t get it?

    • phodges says:

      Well, Jesus is not the church.

      If followers of Jesus and Mohammed followed the words of either man, we would not have these problems.

      At least with each other 😉 I suppose we would still be fighting over everyone else’s property.

      • gator69 says:

        You obviously have much studying to do.

        Mohammad taught warfare and hate, and bears no resemblance to Jesus. The 19 hijackers were perfect examples of Islam, and devout followers of its hateful founder.

        The one thing you got right was that following Christ’s example would save humanity.

        • omnologos says:

          I wish you were less jarring in your condemnation of believers in the same (Abraham’s) God. You could find some inspiration in Matthew 5:44, Luke 5:32, Luke 18:9-14, Romans 12:21. Or even in Sura 2:62 (which, I believe, was only surpassed by the Bill of Rights a thousand years later).

          Tellingly before the American experiment with liberal democracy the only successful multireligious states had been governed by Muslims. All other religions somehow pivoted around ethnic and religious cleansing.

        • gator69 says:

          I wish I could be less jarring as well, but I cannot. I once believed as you do that Islam and Christianity were comparable, then I educated myself.

    • There Is No Substitute for Victory says:

      I adhere to Mark Twain’s teachings that the New Testament is about God after he got religion, and the Old Testament was about God before he was saved.

      It seems in the Old Testament that God hated those who defiled walls by pissing against them, because many times God told his chosen people to “kill everyone who pissed against the wall.” And when his chosen people did as God commanded God was pleased with them. Some of you must view the Book of Numbers Chapter 31 as a school boy prank. Now days it would be called a war crime. You still don’t get it do you?

      • gator69 says:

        Old Testament is Jewish. I am speaking if Christ who taught us to love one anther.

        Get it?

        • omnologos says:

          gator69 – it’s not a matter of finding things “comparable”. It’s a matter of being the sinners and not the righteous, for whom Christ didn’t really come. The tax collector and not the Phariseee, who didn’t go home justified before God.

          And yes, I did point to three passages from the Gospels, and to one from one of Paul’s letters (which are all part of the New Testament).

        • gator69 says:

          Mohammed taught hate and intolerance.

          Christ taught us to love one another.

          No similarity.


        • omnologos says:

          The Quran contains Sura 2:62. The Roman Catholic Church, Apostolic and with an unbroken link to the historical Jesus, took 1,333 more years to come to similar conclusions.

          Surely there must be something else there than condemning all Muslims??

        • gator69 says:

          I am not condemning all Muslims. I am pointing out that the basis of their religion is evil to the core.

          Mohammed taught hate and intolerance.

          Christ taught us to love one another.

          How do you not get that?

          Think man, and stop feeling.

        • omnologos says:

          And I am saying that if you were right, things would have evolved very differently.

          Just as the Bible has been used to do the best and the worst, so has the Quran and every possible religious text (and atheist too).

          Our respective personal opinions on the original “messages” are completely immaterial. You present yours instead as Ultimate Truth.

        • gator69 says:

          Did you know the Koran is not in chronological order? It was compiled from shortest verse, to longest. Many Muslims, if not most, do not know this.

          Did you know that Mohammed said that God can change his mind?

          When Mohammed started his “religion”, he was in Mecca, and had no political or military might. When he moved to Medina his fortunes had changed and he had a military advantage.

          In Mecca he taught tolerance to save his ass, but later in Medina, he taught hate and intolerance.

          Christ always taught us to love one another, even the night before his crucifixion.

          You have much to learn.

        • omnologos says:

          gator – I have pointed to enough parts of the Bible.

  7. gator69 says:

    “0mnologos says:
    August 21, 2013 at 10:59 pm
    gator – I have pointed to enough parts of the Bible.”

    And yet you ignore Christ’s message, and trust in Mohammed.

    I will pray for you, my misguided brother.

    God love you.

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