CIA 1974 : Global Cooling Brought Down Khrushchev

ScreenHunter_09 Aug. 31 07.01
ScreenHunter_10 Aug. 31 07.02

ScreenHunter_11 Aug. 31 07.02

h/t to omnologos

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to CIA 1974 : Global Cooling Brought Down Khrushchev

  1. omanuel says:

    Climate changes have occurred since Earth was born about 4.5 billion years (4.5 Ga) ago.

    World leaders who claim an ability to control Earth’s climate set themselves up for failure, just as they did in 1945 when they decided to control access to nuclear energy.

    Here’s a one-page summary of the consequences for mankind:

    With kind regards,
    Oliver K. Manuel
    Former NASA Principal
    Investigator for Apollo

  2. With the son’s activity fading, we can take hope that our own elected dictator will suffer a similar just end. Obama’s edicts can no more dictate to reality than did Khrushchev’s.

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