Climate Alarmism In Freefall

ScreenHunter_263 Aug. 06 04.26

COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Climate Alarmism In Freefall

  1. Bill Toland says:

    Why is the climate mean only using the period 1979-2000?
    Surely the most up-to-date information should be used to give a valid comparison.

  2. Bill says:

    Pretty soon they will be talking about weak, rotten, no good, crumbling multi-year ice. (Or did you already use that joke, Steve?)

  3. John Edmondson says:

    Just wait until the NAO turns cold in about 5 years time, then the NH sea ice will return to it’s 70’s and 80’s extent.

    Most of the reduction in NH sea ice extent occurred after the NAO switched to warm in 1995.

  4. TomC says:

    Anyone else notice the utter lack of northern sea route attempts by shipping companies this summer in the news media?

    • stewart pid says:

      I read one referring to the Russian / western route opening soon either on Bloomberg or Nevens website … can’t recall which. I think Steven talked about some planned trips that will likely be cancelled by cautious captains unwilling to risk their ships … he made some reference to idling off the east end of the passage and then giving up (again it might have been another site).
      I do hope this leveling off of the sea ice melt is the real end and the warministas have their worst nightmare come true 😉

  5. stewart pid says:

    The “rowers” new tow boat can really haul ass 😉

  6. scizzorbill says:

    Sailed into the Punta Arenas Yacht Club (Costa Rica) in ’06. Met some Polish lads who had navigated the NW passage. They were filming/writing a documentary. In 18 years of cruising, that is the only boat I met that did it.

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