Congress Meekly Weighs In That They Might Want To Enforce The US Constitution

Obama administration’s push for ‘shot across bow’ on Syria in response to last week’s alleged chemical weapons attack hits snag as Congress seeks chance to have input and key US allies hold up decision citing incomplete UN probe.

Congress, Allies Slow Push for US ‘Shot Across Bow’ Against Syria

The Constitution explicitly lays out war powers to Congress, not the President. Only a complete imbecile would accept Obama’s contention that Syria imminently threatens the US.

Is John Boner off crying somewhere this week?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to Congress Meekly Weighs In That They Might Want To Enforce The US Constitution

  1. Amen to that! We all need to show humility before God, not the Anglo-Dutch global financial empire or its puppet Obama. We must show them that they’re not God! Failure to do that is weakness, not meekness.

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