Conundrum For Kathy

ScreenHunter_135 Aug. 12 08.27

ScreenHunter_136 Aug. 12 08.27

Twitter / KHayhoe: This blew my mind: marine species …

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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19 Responses to Conundrum For Kathy

  1. Cowpoke says:

    Christians should be good stewards of environment by not dumping thier motor oil into the river but taking it to the recycler or reusing it in a productive way. NOT alter bowing to Gore and the ECO-Natzism system that is corrupt to it’s core and worshiping false narative and demagogues.
    I would think.

  2. Andy DC says:

    Since there has been no appreciable increase in water temperatures, it is doubtful that marine species would move north. If they are, it has nothing at all to do with climate change. More likely a figment of Kathy’s imagination, or even more likely, her dishonest attempt to procure more grant money for her extremely dubious cause.

    • miked1947 says:

      The PDO had a transition in the last few years. This is a normal condition and real scientists have known about the changing conditions for a period of time and even gave the phenomena a name “Pacific Decadal Oscillation”. Some “Climate Scientists” apparently are not aware of this “Rare Event”! πŸ˜‰

  3. Stephen Richards says:

    How can you blow something that doesn’t exist?

  4. Okie says:

    Since the global warming movement now lives entirely on mythology, it won’t be long before they blame the warming on witches. I’m there already; after all, Al Gore floats.

  5. If they are moving, it is likely they are actually expanding their range, not running from the heat.

  6. Justa Joe says:

    How I wish that I could just believe anything that I read no matter how incredible and then whole heartedly regurgitate it to the world unreservedly.

    • rw says:

      This gal brings to mind an obscure footnote in Solomon Asch’s famous report on a study of social pressure and conformity that I ran across many years ago. In the study, people in a small group each had to judge which line in a set was shortest; however, all but the subject were confederates who chose a different line from the one that actually was the shortest. According to the footnote, (of the 100+ people tested) there were a very small number who always went along with the majority without exhibiting any agitation – in strong contrast to most people who showed considerable conflict whether they eventually went with the majority or not. In fact, for this small group it was only when they were questioned about the situation by the Experimenter after the session was over that they began to show any doubts or puzzlement. Ms. Hayhoe seems to have the same capacity to cheerfully believe anything that’s part of the current consenus as she sees it.

  7. Gerald Villella says:

    I saw a warmista on Facebook posting an OMG slop article claiming a “metadata analysis” of multiple studies on marine migrations has proven this is happening. So how many marine species in colder regions would migrate away from a minimal increase in water temperature, compared with the number of species which would thrive in or move toward warmer waters?

  8. Latitude says:

    there’s so much wrong with this…..I don’t even know where to start

  9. NikFromNYC says:

    Her “first in line for cloning” bio is eugenically optimistic, yet she publicly failed the biggest IQ test in history.

    The bio of her YouTube videos adds “Climate Change Evangelist.”

    Evangelism: 1. Zealous preaching and dissemination of the gospel, as through missionary work. / 2. Militant zeal for a cause.


    Objectivity: Judgment based on observable phenomena and uninfluenced by emotions or personal prejudices.

    Like John Cook and in the spirit of divinity major Al Gore, she happens to in fact be an actual evangelical Christian, winning’s “50 Women You Should Know.”

    Her hip to waist ratio is good though and baby fat on an old chick indeed qualifies her for cloning:

    • Richard T. Fowler says:

      Is there any subjectivity present in your comment?

      If yes, does that make you an evangelist? Does it make you a Christian? Does it make you a Zealot?

      Do you even know what a Zealot is?

      Do you know the difference between a true believer and a false one?

  10. Traitor In Chief says:

    …But she did correctly state that her mind is blown….

  11. gator69 says:

    I’m really not interested in more model driven drivel.

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