NASA has been hard at work cooling the past and warming the present. But despite their best data tampering efforts, they still have not been able to get temperatures up to Hansen’s zero emissions in the 21st century Scenario C. Blue line shows the most recent reported GISS temperature.
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Climate science is all about animal control!
We are the animals. The end of sixty-eight years of deception is fast approaching.
Even as we speak, the animals are breaking out of their cages in Egypt.
Oliver K. Manuel
Sent from my iPhone
That which will continually become more interesting are the fabrications and/or diversions like Cook et al which will become more creative as the divergence of projections and observations grows
Reading some of the stuff that comes out of Cook’s gang, I think they are really sceptics that are trying to give Climatologists a bad name and make alarmists look stupid!
They are doing a good job of both!
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Broke their hockey stick I see.