Someone on HuffPo is arguing with me, saying that I am wrong about the Arctic cold – because the green line is the same as in the 1958 graph.
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I have met some people who are that dumb. We try to keep them away from sharp objects and just have them coloring in between the lines.
don’t make eye contact or any sudden moves….and back up slowly
Exactly! They have the strength of an ape and will come at you all fists and elbows. Not even a bullet can bring ’em down. You’ll be yelling “NO! NO! NO!” but all they will hear is “Who wants cake?”!
HA HA HA HA! +10
Guaranteed this genius has some bogus academic title that allows him to be one of the 97%.
Humor him….
Point out that he’s just admitted that there has been no Arctic warming since 1958. (:-
you can’t fix stupid.
you can, and should, however mock it mercilessly.
You can always tell a progressive, but you can’t tell them very much.
Try having a twin brother that voted for Gore, Obama, etc. I once made fun of Hank Johnson over tipping Guam over and he actually defended him. I don’t really know what goes through his brain these days. He’s that typical educated white liberal type. Me? I just happened to be leery of federal gov’t pretty early on, probably just 19 years old while in college when I started to question everything while at the same time I had no idea what Democrat and Republic Party represented. At that time, I have to admit that Democrat Party did a better job at reaching out for young adults than Republic Party. Things changed after Clinton’s BS over “I did not have sexual relation with that lady” or whatever he said.
I run into the same types at Facebook Teabonics when I go there to torment the Progressives.
You put data right in front of them and they say “I’ll trust the scientists” / “97% of scientists agree” / “you got it from Faux News” / “Big Oil pays skeptics to lie” / “Global warming is real”.
Whew, there are so many talking points it’s hard to keep up with them all.
Lol. It was just too much to try and correct everything, that’s for sure. Even if I provided facts, they will just find excuses to discredit them anyway. It is hopeless sometimes.
Cultists must be Isolated from their support structure to be deprogrammed. Very difficult when there are so many.
Have hope. The foolish cult’s “support structure” fails in the end, due to idiotic engineering. Once the “support structure” starts stepping on too many toes, people turn elsewhere. Even cultists.
For example, take the cult of a baseball team and its fans. Few truly love the game and the team; most merely love winning. When the team is winning, crowds are big, but during a losing streak the crowds shrink. When the team hits last place the ball park often echoes.
People who need excessive support are fair weather friends. They are only loyal to their cult as long as the support lasts. When a cult stops supporting its followers (due to its inherent weakness) the follower’s seemingly boundless and endless loyalty turns in a twinkling to a cold shoulder.
Have hope. In the end things that truly support will prevail.
Know what?
I really don’t shiv a git if it is warming or cooling. Show me the numbers – preferably with a sense of uncertainty. I’ll make up my own mind. This (most excellent) blog shows the numbers. Once we know if, or if not, there is a problem, a course of clear action could be taken; but in the absence of said “clear problem”, we have a seeming infinity of sophistry word-play concepts like “precautionary principle”, “investment in clean” (fill in the blank) suggesting as in an actual investment, there is a return – what if there is no return? What is an investment with no return? Somehow, in my mind anyhow, I picture a sucker – a fool and his money soon parted. And let’s just face it, what exactly is the problem? So it gets a little warmer. Big Fkng Deal.
Know what part deux?
Global warming, man-made or not is a bust. It was never much to begin with. In it’s heyday it was never of great enough magnitude that anyone would even notice. The Arctic never melted down. Doesn’t look like it will in our lifetimes. Warming? Trivial. No one and I mean no one would have noticed the entirely minute and beneficial warming we have been fortunate to have experienced in the twentieth century without careful, meticulous measurement. And those careful, meticulous measurements have clearly been manipulated and falsified by political appointees under the guise of “science”. There is no circle of hell dark enough for these false prophets, these frauds, liars, traitors.
Know what trois?
CO2 is good. We need more. Because plants and thus all living things need more. Earth is greening – particularly in arid regions. There is no denying this. Google it if you don’t believe me.
Man-Made Global warming is pure Fabian, Marxist, Leftist nonsense. It is all about power to a tiny, ignorant, perverse, evil group of people. Resist – don’t fight. These little people aren’t worth a fight.
Reblogged this on Climate Ponderings.
Ice making weather set in at this bouy. Mimics above graph.
Thanks Brian. Your example is the coldest reading in the Arctic, but that is very cold for this time of year. The two coldest are similar, both near the 85th parallel north of Svalbard and Greenland. The two warmest readings are in the Beaufort Sea, just above freezing. There is a huge chunk of thick ice underneath them. Readings updated: 08/17/2013
Buoy 2013E: Pos: 83.84 N, 2.18 E, Air Temp: -9.59 C
Air Pres: 1003.75 mb
Buoy 2013B: Pos: 85.07 N, 5.96 E, Air Temp: -9.07 C
Air Pres: 1004.69 mb, Ice Thickness: 187 cm
Buoy 2013C: Pos: 81.78 N, 63.53 W, Air Temp: -5.58 C
Air Pres: 995.27 mb, Ice Thickness: 270 cm
Buoy 2012M: Pos: 79.22 N, 14.92 W (East of Greenland), Air Temp: -1.55 C
Air Pres: 1000.06 mb, Ice Thickness: 121 cm
Buoy 2012G: Pos: 81.65 N, 119.73 W, Air Temp: -0.14 C
Air Pres: 1001.60 mb, Ice Thickness: 218 cm
Buoy 2012L: Pos: 74.42 N, 144.54 W (Beaufort Sea), Air Temp: 0.36 C
Air Pres: 1016.49 mb, Ice Thickness: 185 cm
Buoy 2012H: Pos: 73.54 N, 137.39 W (Beaufort Sea), Air Temp: 1.15 C
Air Pres: 1016.86 mb, Ice Thickness: 143 cm
Don’t waste your time at Huffpo. It is a self selected group of people who lack critical thinking skills. In my naive days, I used to think people were just uninformed and that information would clear things up. Then I figured out that it wasn’t the lack of information that was the issue.
I naively thought information would clear things up also. I thought everyone responded to information. Information is power. Refusal to click on links and pat rejection of any dissenting information that runs counter to what their political leaders have programmed into them, and instead citing propaganda and memorized verses/talking points, is more indicative of weird form of religious Apologetics than any desire to learn scientific facts.
(My apologies to my Christian brethren for such a crude analogy–I realize there are plenty of people of faith who are teachable and acknowledge and accept scientific facts–I am one.)
My only nit is that the group is also moderator selected. Posts, selectively tend to disappear to shape the comments’ overall arc.
I posted the same graph on Huff Post about a week ago and I got a comment from somebody that said “this dolt probably does not know where the Arctic is”. He also said that he added himself to my fan list and favorites so that I would be intimidated by his tracking what I was saying. He seems to be very active on Huffpost and angry. Apparently facts are very annoying when the do not match the agenda.
I was in your conversation. I’m themacway on all of the loser/lib sites. I fanned and faved you… They stay at a thread, arguing with the sky until the stinkin’ comments are closed to posters. I only pop by when I have nothing better to do, since I do real work.
Main observation on huffpo, is that libs LIVE on that site during daylight hours, then go back to mom’s couch down in the basement after they’ve spent all their pent up angst. These radicals are worn out by teaming up on any ‘outsiders’ as they literally swarm them like angry bees, only winning arguments by screaming at the top of their keys. If they’d just put one-tenth of that vitriol into some real work, they’d at least be rich limousine liberals, and we might get some taxes out of them.
For a change.
Gottdam, Steve, that’s some weapons-grade Stoopid you hauled in with that Leftard. When all of this Glow Bull Worming crap is finally over (and Detoilet is under a blanket of snow for 6 months of each year), the Goreacolytes need to be stored down in the Yucca Flats repository so that their special brand of Nuclear Stoopid never sullies the face of Earth again.
I’m gonna give it a go, BC.
The straight line labeled 273 is sea-level. See how the green line peeks above it in a kind of rounded slope? That’s the 1958 ice floating above sea-level. See how the red line (that’s today) doesn’t stick up as much above the water? That’s cause there’s less ice now. I think I’ll draw a sad, lonely polar bear sitting in the middle of the little hump.
George, nice attempt at channeling a Leftard, but even your great satire can’t plumb the depths of Stoopid that is the Neo-Marxist mind. It’s like the Marianas Trench of idiocy.
You just have to take the graph, the kind of thing we all look at all day, and use crayons like it was a HuffPo coloring book published by Michael Mann. Draw a little poley bear on top and some seals off to the sides with their heads poking up above the 273K line. You have to get inside the brains of the people you’re debating. Given the incredibly tiny size of those brains, sure, it might take some sort of weird ray gun like Rick Moranis used in “Honey, I Shrunk the Kids”, but this is a thought experiment, so that’s okay. Once you’re in there, you’ll see two tiny little neurons rubbing together. You listen closely:
“Crayons! I want the black one for the seals!”
“No, arctic seals are white.”
“No they’re not. You’re a racist!”
“No, you’re a racist! You want white poley bears to eat black seals.”
“Am not. Let’s make them both purple.”
“That’s gay.”
“You’re a homophobe!”
“Am not!”
“Are too!”
Then you reverse your shrink ray and thank goodness you return safely to the land of the sane. Needless to say, getting these people to understand degree days, time-temperature plots, heat capacity, or any other thermodynamic measures doesn’t have a prayer in He11 of working.
But perhaps you can convince them that little Willy the whale had his summer vacation cut short by a month because the North Pole was getting too cold for swimming, and Santa’s elves just had their whole peppermint crop wiped out by an early frost, so NO candy canes this year.
That is a scary temperature graph if you are a Canadian farmer.
I can’t figure out what is causing that big chill up there. I thought that big gale they had up there would expose more open water, and also bring theoretically warmer water up from below, however between 00z on the 15th and 12z on the 16th roughly half the Arctic Ocean went from above freezing to below freezing.
George Turner’s comments got me thinking. Dangerous I know.
Progressives promote gay marriage – result is no children.
Progressives promote “clean” energy – result no jobs, no families and no children
Progressives promote no coal mines – result no jobs, metals, technology or families
Progressives promote biofuels- result is insufficient food left to feed children
Progressives promote nuclear energy – result is Fukushima and deformed children
Progressives promote vegetarianism – result no protein and thus malnourished children
Progressives promote zero CO2 atmosphere – result is no green food and no people
Progressives promote an ice covered planet – result as above and no children
Progressives promote socialising the economy – result no jobs, income and no children
Progressives promote returning all land to nature – result no food and no people
Progressives: worse for the human race than HIV and all the historical pandemics combined.