Eight Foot Wall Of Permanent Drought Closed Bandelier National Monument On July 27

Bandelier is located just outside Los Alamos

Bandelier’s Frijoles Canyon to reopen after flash flooding

Flash flooding late Thursday night closed the Frijoles Canyon at Bandelier National Monument, but law enforcement rangers plan to reopen the canyon Saturday, July 27, to visitors.

Staff reported a five-to-eight-feet wall of water flowing into the canyon and covering the parking lot at Bandelier’s Visitor Center.

Local news in brief, July 27, 2013 – The Santa Fe New Mexican: Local News

Here is the current headline :

ScreenHunter_285 Aug. 06 12.21

Anti-nuclear activists target Los Alamos | LAMonitor.com

The southwest is saturated with rain, while the usual team of climate scum keeps writing up stories about exceptional drought.

ScreenHunter_286 Aug. 06 12.26

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Eight Foot Wall Of Permanent Drought Closed Bandelier National Monument On July 27

  1. scizzorbill says:

    It’s their job. It’s their paycheck. Even scum need employment.

  2. John B., M.D. says:

    Alarmists in the warmosphere will blame AGW for extremes of weather. After all, every weather event is consistent with AGW. No weather event (or statistic) disproves AGW. CAGW is pseudoscience.

  3. jack b :-) says:

    We’re in extreme drought here in w. Tx., with zero percent chance of rain, yet it’s coming down in BUCKETS outside my door and raining steadily in a widespread area of 100’s of sq. miles at this very moment. Can’t take much more of this. Tired of washing my black cars, trucks and bikes!

  4. miked1947 says:

    The new and improved Drought monitor index is not concerned about a minor thing like rain. Rain no longer affects drought like it did before CO2 reached 350ppm. Just ask Bill!

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