Emergency Hotline Number Established For The Rowing Team

As the rowers head off rapidly towards the Arctic winter, an emergency hotline 867-5309 has been established, run by Jenny.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Emergency Hotline Number Established For The Rowing Team

  1. Latitude says:

    Looks like they are still going for it….

    I don’t get it…It’s August….the coldest summer on record…they have at best one month to make it

    I just don’t see how in this world they are going to have enough time..

  2. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    They can continue to drag their boat along the shoreline for a few more weeks yet. Somehow walking along the shoreline seems different than traversing the North West Passage.

    Their brand as Eco warrior adventurers is being tarnished very day they continue with their row/drag/walk for Eco-Publicity event.

  3. leftinbrooklyn says:

    Has anyone seen the bottom of that rowboat? I bet there’s a snowmobile drivetrain under it.

  4. Cowpoke says:

    Tommy Tutone and the Northwest Passage Rowers.
    Tommy Tutone and the Rowing Circle Jerks
    Tommy Tutone With Jenny Jenny and the rowing stiffs….

  5. miked1947 says:

    The Firefighters are two days ahead of them and the Aussies are a day behind them. With a bit of tailwind the Aussies will pass them tomorrow.

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