A few months ago, experts told us that cold and wet was the new normal for the UK, due to climate change.
17 December 2012 Last updated at 10:04
Colder and wetter summers with an increased risk of severe flooding could become the norm for Britain, climatologists have warned. Climate scientists at Sheffield University have discovered that high winds in the upper atmosphere over the Atlantic, known as the jet stream, are being affected by an increase in the amount of ice melting at the Arctic. If that trend continues, warm and dry summers in Britain could become the exception as the jet stream has a direct impact on our weather.
BBC News – ‘Colder, wetter summers’ for UK, climatologists warn
But climate change has changed again, and now extreme heat is the new normal.
Mega heatwaves will become the norm for UK
Hold on. Doesn’t that actually tie in with the probable non record sea extent this year? It’s slow to melt and also UK has hot summer? Not that I would take one year as a trend though … 😉
Gullible Weirding
Experts R Us. Every possible opinion in stock.
Need more rain, we’ll predict more rain.
Need a drought, we’ll predict mega-droughts!
The guy’s name sums it up “Dim”
And I forecast another 30 years of typical English summers, sometimes cold and wet, sometimes hot and dry.
But there again, what do I know? I have not got a nice fat grant.
Its only cold and wet when its hot and dry…oh…hot and dry instead of cold and wet…these guys are like a Woodpecker in a clear cut…doesn’t know which way to point his pecker….
OT, but after our leader Obama moved South Carolina and Georgia to the Gulf of Mexico, MSNBC has decided to move the location of a few New York and Pennsylvania cities.
And people trust the MSM to give them the news?
And i was so enjoying the nice weather
OT: Steve you should do story on %of people are compulsive liars by occupation. will the politicians and 97% of climate scientist that receive grant $$ rank #1?
They were trying to explain away the cold, miserable winter. Now it’s time for global warming booga booga. Should another cold miserable winter manifest, the global warming alarmists will conveniently switch to global cooling again.
And the media propaganda machine goes on and on and on and……
I’ve lived in Great Britain. For four years in the 1970’s.
Warm and dry would be a relief!
Because the headline “Cyclical variations between warm/dry and cool/wet spells could be the new norm” isn’t very sexy.
Thomas More was a man for all seasons but so was Crowded House.
You need to understand the Met Office. The trick is to predict everything. 🙂
The met has spoken, so i guess its a new waterproof summer jacket, and put the bar-b-q into storage
brolly and sunblock