Gallup Poll Finds That 45% Of Americans Have No Clue What Is Going On

ScreenHunter_564 Aug. 30 07.59

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Gallup Poll Finds That 45% Of Americans Have No Clue What Is Going On

  1. gator69 says:

    Actually it appears that 2% of the 47% now realize that they have been the problem all along.

  2. Norm Milliard says:

    What percentage of the population can not even read at an 8th grade level? Never assume the general population is like you; no successful politician does.

  3. Pathway says:

    This is the same 45% that are now parasites feeding on the host.

  4. Here is a one-page synopsis of the autobiography in progress:

    First summarized in messages to the Congressional Space Science & Technology Committee:

    The autobiography began in 2003 as: “My Journey to the Core of the Sun.” By that time the best available data and observations left no doubt the Sun:
    _ a.) Made our elements,
    _ b.) Birthed the solar system, and
    _ c.) Sustained the origin and evolution of life.

    The social implication of opposition to factual information remained unclear until official responses to 2009 Climategate emails revealed the mess that all of us are now in together.

    The title of the autobiography was changed to: “A Journey to the Core of the Sun: How an angry arrogant atheist discovered the Creator scientists tried to hide after 1945.”

    The book will be published on-line, as written, beginning with the one-page synopsis so access to the story will not depend on publication of the entire book.

    Comments the synopsis would be helpful.

    With kind regards,
    Oliver K. Manuel

  5. genomega1 says:

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    Gallup Poll Finds That 45% Of Americans Have No Clue What Is Going On

  6. Brian says:

    Most of the ones that approve are probably black.

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