George W Obama Says That Starting World War 3 Is In Our Core Interest

In an exclusive interview with CNN that aired Friday, Obama said the United States and United Nations inspectors were gathering information on the attack, but that preliminary signs pointed to a “big event of grave concern.”

“It is very troublesome,” he said. “That starts getting to some core national interests that the United States has, both in terms of us making sure that weapons of mass destruction are not proliferating, as well as needing to protect our allies, our bases in the region.”

Competing claims on chemical weapons use in Syria –

Obama is implying that Syria is going to attack the US with mortar shells full of poison gas, so we need to start WWIII in order to protect ourselves from his idiotic psychotic fantasy.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to George W Obama Says That Starting World War 3 Is In Our Core Interest

  1. scizzorbill says:

    The puppet mistress Valerie Jarrett will instruct her boy when to start WW111.

  2. crosspatch says:

    Obama is an ideologue. His “core interests” are not tangibles. He has no clue what he is doing.

  3. GoneWithTheWind says:

    All of the WMD’s that were in Iraq were trucked to Syria with the exception of those that Russia flew out of Iraq. That there are WMD’s there is not in doubt. Should we go to war or in any way fight in Syria? I agree we should not. However it is inevitable that terrorists will someday get WMD’s perhaps even nukes and use them in Israel, Europe or the U.S. That is the end game everyone is trying to prevent. Where will the terrorists get WMD’s? From any country or any group that has them and will sell them or provide them to the terrorists. So the only way to prevent a nuke from going off in NY City or a Sarin attack in London someday is to take out the WMD’s where they are. So there is the deadlock, i.e. we should not get into a war (least of all a ground war) to get rid of the WMD’s but if we do not get rid of the WMD’s sooner or later they will be used against us and kill tens of thousands of civilians and conceivably more then a million if used effectively. That is the dilemma; destroy them where they are at a very visable cost but an invisible benefit or wait until they are used against us killing untold thousands of civilians and react while facing even more WMD attacks?

    • Richard T. Fowler says:

      It seems you’re proposing that the U.S. try to destroy all of Syria’s chemical munitions via bombardment. That is tantamount to deliberately firing Syria’s entire arsenal of chemical munitions at the Syrian people. In other words, “release it on them so it can’t get released on us.”

      How do you suppose the Russians might react to such an action?

    • Andy Oz says:

      That sounds the same story as the one about the missing heat being at the bottom of the ocean. Since it is the US, UK, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Qatar that supply arms to terrorist groups, who are the people under very real threat? Fact is the ones who have been killed in thousands – Syrians.
      Who has the capacity and stocks to supply chemical weapons or WMD? Same group. Obama, Cameron and co need you to remain paranoid so they can keep their geopolitical agenda going. A paranoid US will allow any atrocity including genocide, to be committed on brown people to keep the US “safe”.

  4. MikeTheDenier says:

    Of course the “evidence” has been destroyed. Obamby don’t need no stinkin proof.

    Syria chemical attack evidence may have been destroyed: Hague

  5. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    Obama can’t actually believe the US has any allies inthe region?

    He has botched it so badly even the Israelis think Obummer is an enemy.

  6. phodges says:

    Do you think when the UN finds, for the second time, that it was the jihadis that used chemical weapons, we will attack their backers Turkey, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Libya, and Qatar?

  7. margaret berger says:

    I don’t think valerie is in charge of the big picture. She might be in charge of the execution of the day to day, i.e. osama bin laden raid, running the Bengahzi fiasco act but the main puppet master is someone bigger probably soros or someone like him. obama is not smart enough and doesn’t have a clue, can’t even read a teleprompter.

  8. gator69 says:

    So when did Syria break a conditional cease fie with us? And have we seen 18 UN resolutions broken over 12 years?

    I must have missed that.

  9. Chewer says:

    Since there’s been no investigation on the poison attack (what was it & how was it delivered & by who), the assholes feel the need to distract from all of their other failings by jumping the gun, Clinton style!
    it would seem that whatever bio-chemical arsenals are currently stocked, are at least held by those with the power of force (Assad’s regime).
    By taking the current powers-that-be out, the Israeli’s will have to deal with the fallout and missing chemical stockpiles.
    Good Show!

  10. David says:

    GoneWithTheWind says:
    August 25, 2013 at 11:14 pm
    All of the WMD’s that were in Iraq were trucked to Syria with the exception of those that Russia flew out of Iraq. That there are WMD’s there is not in doubt. Should we go to war or in any way fight in Syria? I agree we should not. However it is inevitable that terrorists will someday get WMD’s perhaps even nukes and use them in Israel, Europe or the U.S.
    So Obama’s solution is to give a bunch of weapons to terrorists so they can protect us after we fire some cruise missels? The dude is batty as hell, and likely to take us all there.

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