Global sea ice area has been above normal most of the year, and is averaging 1,600 Manhattans above normal in 2013.
Experts tell us that the poles are melting down.
Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts
– Richard Feynman
Is sea level down?
Sea ice doesn’t affect sea level. It is thin and floating.
Steven – a curious question from someone who is not “knee deep” in it, but when will sea ice levels return to a point where they were before the great warming/alarmist agenda started (I guess that would be the early ’80’s) ?
Thanks – Mk
I’m not a prophet like Barack Obama and Walt Meier. Sea ice is thin and is affected by a thousand different factors. I have no idea what it will do in the future.
Science depends on the ignorance of politicians
There, fixed.
Because sea Ice is floating in, on and above water and since water expands when it freezes (by as much as 10% if all the sea ice in the oceans of the world melted there would not be any big effect on world wide ocean levels. They may in fact even drop.