Global Warming Simultaneously Non-Existent And Accelerating

NPR says no warming for 15 years.

A study in the journal Nature could help explain why the Earth’s average temperature hasn’t increased during the past 15 years

A Cooler Pacific May Be Behind Recent Pause In Global Warming : NPR

Trenberth says non-existent global warming is accelerating.

ScreenHunter_551 Aug. 30 02.06

Global Warming Continues to Accelerate | Climate Denial Crock of the Week

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Global Warming Simultaneously Non-Existent And Accelerating

  1. Eric Simpson says:

    Yeah, global warming continues. but we have a temporary pause caused by the cold ocean which is cooling the air, and this cold air is getting even colder because it’s dropping its missing heat into the ocean, making the ocean even colder, see.

    • F. Guimaraes says:

      Makes sense.
      To understand the meaning of AGW models and sophisticate theories I’ve learned that we must use reverse logic: warm means cool, melting ice means increasing icecap, etc.
      Then I believe it’s fair to extrapolate and conclude the the “addition” of heat to the bottom of the ocean in fact means “subtraction” of heat, therefore cooling the oceans, therefore cooling everything else…
      Yeah, makes perfect sense.

  2. miked1947 says:

    Here I thought Peter Sinclair is the Climate Crock of the Decade and among the top Climate Crocks of this millennium.

  3. Bob722 says:

    Steve you have it wrong. The correct term is AccelerStopping. Under sophisticated and hard to comprehend Climate Change Models, Global Warming is like a train. The Train keeps accelerating; faster and faster, until it comes to a sharp curve, and the train runs off the track and comes to a sudden stop. That’s accelerstopping.

    See if it never ran off the track, it would in fact still be accelerating rapidly. And once they fix the train, track, and police up the bodies, the train will start accelerating again. At least that’s what Lionel promises….

  4. Reblogged this on Power To The People and commented:
    When reality has no relationship to your AGW Alarmist theory deny, lie and smear. Other wise the green money train from government subsidies might come to an end.

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