Global Warming To Hit The Fan After You Are Dead

You should buy Arctic beachfront property, because after you are dead it is going to be really warm there.

ScreenHunter_24 Aug. 07 11.40ScreenHunter_25 Aug. 07 11.40

Now’s the time to buy up that Arctic waterfront property you’ve been dreaming of.

New evidence shows that, while we may not see severe climate change in our lifetimes, global warming could snowball into catastrophe in the distant future—and once the climate has shifted, it might not go back to normal for a very, very long time.

When global warming finally gets going, it could last for 200,000 years – Quartz

I knew that dead people voted Democratic in large numbers, but I didn’t realize that they also took a lot of vacations.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Global Warming To Hit The Fan After You Are Dead

  1. stewart pid says:

    Steven the Keats Point weather station shows a wind from the east / headwind of 20 kph and yet the rowers are moving right along … I think they hired those whalers they meet before Paulatuk to provide a little helping hand so they could avoid blisters!!

    • steve says:

      After having a “good” day yesterday, they are limping along at 1 mph. The boat is a dog in the wind…they are hauling an awful lot of “cabin comfort” weight around. Their only plan of attack would be to row as close as they can to 24 hrs a day….seems they are more interested in yapping with the whalers and napping at night for that to happen.

  2. philjourdan says:

    Do it for your “children”.

  3. What global warming? The only kind of warming I see is from “GloBULL Warming” and that’s out of the mouths of Leftists who talk so much making crap up that they are a massive carbon footprint on the planet.

    Perhaps if they just shut up we could stave off the ice melts?

  4. NikFromNYC says:

    The phrase “Global Warming” was seared into the public mindset and promises to stay there for a very, very long time.

  5. Climatism says:

    Reblogged this on CACA and commented:
    “By the end of this (20th) century climate change will reduce the human
    population to a few breeding pairs surviving near the Arctic.” – Sir James Lovelock, Revenge of Gaia.
    • Perhaps the two pictured are one of his few breeding pairs?

  6. Chewer says:

    No more glaciation & ice ages, hot damn!
    They need to profess that profusely!!!

    • Jason Calley says:

      “once the climate has shifted, it might not go back to normal for a very, very long time” Well, who the heck wants normal? Normal is having a mile thick ice sheet sitting on top of Chicago!

      Oh, wait… maybe not so bad after all.

      • Chewer says:

        The AGW story began with a “working hypothesis” and remains just that.
        Their biggest problem is that everything they’ve spewed for the past 25 years have turned out to be false, yet the MSM has kept the lies alive (with new ones every week) and 40ish% of the population are brainless and let the media do their thinking for them!

  7. Andy DC says:

    The “untampered” climate produced several catastrophic glaciations going back 200,000 years, thus it is idiotic to assume the climate will remain static during the next 200,000 years regardless of what man’s imput is. We may be saving our “children” from another glaciation for all we know.

  8. Mike D says:

    Wait, who wrote this article? They’re clearly not with the program:
    “…while we may not see severe climate change in our lifetimes, global warming could snowball into catastrophe in the distant future”

    Or maybe this is the new program. Oh, those alarming forecast haven’t worked out? That’s because we were using 2010 as the generic future, but we meant the distant future.

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